On the Coldwater, Tuesday, April 7. Warm and pleasant. Entered mouth of Coldwater 8 A. M. Travelled well till towards evening. The channel grew more crooked and difficult. 4 P. M. landed to take on rails, then went on. Tied up in a low swampy cane-brake. Water much lower than when descending. An occasional darky to be seen with mule and plow at work in the field, but in most cases the darky had “hung up the shovel and the hoe.” Music and dancing in the evening. Washed.
P. S. I write this at the still hour of midnight, all is quiet and their minds far away from here in the happy land of dreams. No sound save the tiresome tramp of the poor pent-up brutes which have not laid down since we embarked. What a time for thought. Two hours yet of guard.