Glendale, Friday, Oct. 9. Captain Dillon came into headquarters this morning. Also Mrs. Lieut. S. F. Clark. And she has gone into the tent I suppose to enjoy camp life. Grubbed out all the bushes under the Battery and below our quarters, which makes a field of nearly two acres opened by the 6th Battery. Drew clothing in the afternoon. Grazed to the north, passing by the camp of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, 1300 strong, consisting mostly of refugees from the rebel army, many of whom have their wives and children along. Notwithstanding, they are doing valuable service scouting. The train on its return is daily loaded with refugees from the interior. Anticipating the presence of an army, they are leaving bag and baggage, trusting to the tender mercies of Uncle Sam. Mail arrived. I received two letters of the 27th.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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