Dickson Station, Saturday, Oct. 24. A clear but cold night, but with the aid of a blazing fire I spent the hours quickly. Today it is cloudy and cold. A cold day South is far more disagreeable than in Wisconsin. It is always accompanied with rain, consequently very damp, and the wind pierces through the body although it does not freeze. Two teams’ with Sergeant Hood started for Iuka early. We are about three miles from the front. The smoke of Osterhaus’s Division is clearly seen. Blair’s on this side of it. They have laid here several days, but we find plenty of forage. Two beeves were brought in by our Platoon and Evans and Blake went and dug out a sweet potato patch for the twenty-fourth time. Succeeded in finding a fine mess. Corn is brought in by teams. Artillery firing could be heard in front this morning; result I have not heard. Four of the 4th Brigade captured by guile.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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