Dickson Station, Tuesday, Oct. 27. A fine day. In good spirits. Drill call sounded at 9 A. M. We hitched up and had battery drill for two hours under Lieutenant Clark. The drilling was rather poor, many blunders. Clark is not as good a drill-master as Dillon, not enough vivacity and life. 12th Battery was out also. All quiet in front, men working on the R. R. opposite here. Expect the cars up soon. After dinner E. W. E. B. F. Blake and myself went into the woods after walnuts. Found them in plenty about a mile out, cracked all we could eat and returned with two bags full, with blackened fingers and plenty of fun. ”Special Artillery Order No. 1” from Captain Dillon was read to us at evening roll call by Orderly Sergeant Hood in regard to Confederate clothing, none of which is allowed to be worn.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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