Bridgeport, Wednesday, Dec. 16. Reveille at 5 A. M. Breakfast at 6 A. M. Sick call at 8 A M. Guard mounting 9 A. M. Water call 10 A. M. Dinner and “feed horses” call 12 M. Water call 3 P. M. Retreat and roll-call 5 P. M. Tattoo 9 P. M. Taps at 9:15 P. M. This is the regular undisturbed routine of camp duty, the same to-day as yesterday, the same yesterday as to-morrow. Nothing to jar the well balanced wheel. On she goes with no interruption, and we hope not for relief from this mental bane of monotony until we will be permitted to take off the uniform and don the citizen’s coat, and not obliged to listen to bugle or drum. Blake, Evans and Dixon went to the woods this morning and got out logs to raise the tent. After dinner hauled them up with mule team. A “raise” before night having about three feet of a wall, much more roomy than before but colder. Indications of rain. Expected a wetting through the cracks. All the boys have been very busy in the same way.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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