Huntsville, Wednesday, Jan. 20. Health good. Plenty to eat and nothing to do. Foragers brought in several hogs. D. J. D. gave us a piece of ribs which we roasted before the fire, a fine dinner out of it. —— and —— of our Battery in jail in town for robbing an old gray-haired negro after dark while on his way home from the camp, where he had been to sell corncakes. Special orders from Captain Dillon read to us at retreat. Orders squad and battery drill each day from 9 A. M. to 10 A. M. and from 2 P. M. to 3 P. M.; four roll-calls a day, 6 A. M., 11 A. M., 6 P. M. and 8 P. M. all to appear in full uniform. “Style”.