Huntsville, Monday, Jan. 25. A delightful night to stand guard. Mail came in while I was on, 10 P. M. I received one from brother T. L. which I read by the pale light of the moon while walking my silent beat, contrary to military rule, but the moments passed fleeting by, and my mind wandered where it ever flies—to the home of my parents and brothers and sisters dear, and methought that even then could I but know their thoughts, they were wandering in the dreary land for me in the mystical South. Did they see me then walking my beaten path in the still quiet moonlight? Relieved from guard at 5 A. M. and as I felt very weak and sick, went to bed. Did not get up till 9 A. M. Felt much refreshed, a little better. All the Batteries’ guard were mounted together and inspected by the officer of the day of the “Battery Corps” with all the paraphernalia of regulars. General Smith is making desperate efforts to bring his headstrong Division to the standard required in description, resorting to means almost tyrannical, but he never can make mere human machines of the intelligent, strong-minded volunteers. They did not leave their homes for holiday pomp and style, but to do their duty in saving their country from ruin. All other objects to them are void of interest and will not be pursued.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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