Huntsville, Thursday, Jan. 28. Up bright and early as usual. Breakfast, swept, brushed, washed, combed, etc. ready for the routine of duty, when I was notified that I was on detail to go with the forage train, which was then waiting.. Fell in with a long train under quartermaster of 18th Wisconsin. Went on the turnpike to the west, travelled about eight miles through a somewhat winding road, but beautiful country. It was rolling enough to make it varied, with good timber where not cultivated. Old fields containing 50 to 600 acres lying idle, apparently for three years or more, which was running wild into prairie. The general appearance of the country was much like extensive farming regions. North of them were wealthy Southern plantations, much more attention being paid to grain raising than to cotton. Numerous stacks of wheat were stacked unthreshed, and broad fields of corn unhusked, the land under a medium state of cultivation. I could but think with Northern enterprise and intelligence, with free and willing hands to do the work, what lovely and fruitful farms could be built in such a delightful climate. Obtained plenty of corn on a large plantation which all the whites had left, leaving a large flock of negro women and children unprovided for, and seemed delighted to see us until some of the boys took unallowed privileges of the chicken coop, which they earnestly protested against. Returned to camp at sundown well pleased with my ride of sixteen miles and my observations therein, having also escaped the drill, etc. Camp had again been swept up, ammunition packed in gun limbers. Lieutenant Clark gone to Nashville after horses. Lieutenant Jenawein in command of Battery and appeared to-day with shoulder straps on for the first time. Looks fine and soldier-like.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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