Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones

June 23, 2014

An Artilleryman's Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones, 6th Battery, Wisconsin Artillery.

Camp on Paint Rock River, Thursday, June 23. Aroused at 3 A. M. but as we were in the rear of the column, did not move out till 6 A. M. Marched fast, but obliged to halt frequently to let the 2nd Brigade train get out of the way. Our road lay along the railroad, the same that we travelled last winter, but nature’s changes were so great that we could hardly recognize the dismal beech swamp, once a dread to cross. But now the deep foliage afforded a welcome protection from the burning rays of the sun. Camped on Paint Rock 4 P. M. Found our advance having their supper. There was hardly any straggling. Walked all through and feel first rate. Bathed in the evening. Retired early. Disappointed in not receiving mail. .

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