Etowah Bridge, Wednesday, Aug. 3. Kilpatrick’s Cavalry, two brigades of which were camped below town, moved out early this morning for the front with their division train. Cavalry makes a big display, and it took them till nearly noon to get under way, occupying as much road as a corps of infantry would. 93rd Illinois also moved by to relieve 18th Wisconsin at Allatoona, to allow them to take their veteran furlough, so long and patiently waited for. Sixteen picked mule-teams from the Division went to Sherman’s headquarters. Rode out grazing this morning. Brought in a bag of peaches. Had sauce and pies, very good. Lucky enough to buy a paper upon the train to-night. Good news from Grant. Commenced his old game of blowing up as at Vicksburg.

An Artilleryman’s Diary–Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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