Etowah Bridge, Tuesday, Oct. 4. Heavy rain last night again. Three teams and twelve men out foraging in division train. On guard. Detailed to take a team out after guard mounting. We are completely isolated from all other forces. Only one engine and four cars on this piece of the road. The enemy is on this side of Big Shanty, successfully holding his own and moving up the track, tearing things as they go. We have good reasons to expect them here soon. They will find us weak in number, but strong in heart, ready to punish traitors any time. 63rd Illinois gone to Kingston to meet a force reported to be moving on that place.
This is the second anniversary of that bloody day at Corinth”, when so many of the 6th Battery bit the dust while gallantly doing their duty. Is this remnant of that band soon to pass through a like ordeal? I pray not, but they will be true to their memory if called upon.