Chattanooga, Friday, March 17. A very pleasant day. Feel excellent. Keeler missed my name for guard this morning but found me in time to go to the woods. A citizen carpenter with help from the Company is at work on the stables. Spring is opening —Today I saw the first flowers of the season. They grew way up Missionary Ridge.
I must not forget to say that twenty-six men from the 8th Wisconsin Battery arrived here this morning with description lists of about as many more, some of them in N. C, others on detached duty. Captain Hood has been to see General Brewer about it. He refuses to receipt for men not to be had. Captain of the 8th sent all of his one-year men and those whose term of service is about out, relieving the veterans of the 3rd. Hood asks to send all the 8th men back and receive the 3rd. They are a good-looking lot of men. Among them one orderly, two sergeants and a corporal.