October 26.
We had a regular soaker to-day—hard rain all day; tents soaked through; camp ground swimming; mud from five to fifteen inches deep; nothing done but to keep the water out and eat our meals. It is raining harder than ever since dark. I have just been out and made a raise of a couple of shelter tents, which we have thrown over our tent and hope thus to keep the water from dripping on us. The ground is soaked so that the tent pins have but a slight hold and a gust of wind would bring down half the tents in the regiment.
The Fourteenth regiment was sent up to Chain Bridge night before last, which shows that the Vermont regiments are not to be brigaded together at present.
I think, from what I hear to-night, that we are likely to remain here a while longer; but all is uncertainty as to army movements.
Yours, B.