Friday, August 12th.
Have been in hospital four days and feel much better for the complete rest, the nourishing food and the medical treatment. My headache is considerably relieved, and I can move about quite well with the assistance of a cane. The doctor tells me that the Corps is to move to-day, but he professes ignorance as to its destination further than is indicated by the orders which he has received, which are to pack up his hospital and go to City Point. Of course I conclude that this is the expected movement to Washington, and I tell him that I must go and join my company. This he protests against, saying that I am in no condition to march to City Point, and that I can just as well ride in one of his ambulances to the Point and join my company there, so I go to camp and draw my pay, and returning to hospital, am toted off to City Point with the doctor and his cheerful outfit of sick and wounded. On arriving there not far from midnight, I find myself at the City Point General Hospital, where the doctor introduces me to one of the surgeons, and advising me to remain there for the rest of the night “and get a good sleep,” takes his departure.