Friday, May 13th.
There was very little cannonading to-day, and though there was nothing like a general engagement, there was occasional brisk musketry. Cos. E and K joined the battalion and we were moved up to the extreme front. Both armies seemed to be moving and on nearly parallel lines. After marching about two miles we found that a flank movement to the left was being made, and starting at about 9 o’clock P. M., in company with the artillery batteries, we marched pretty much all night. The rain for the past few days, and which was still pouring down, had converted the light Virginia soil into a sea of mud, and the wheels of the guns, caissons, ammunition wagons, etc., sank to the hubs, but by putting our shoulders to the wheels in aid of the horses and mules and artillerymen, we managed to accomplish about two miles during the night. The whole Corps was in motion on our right. We hear that the 126th has been badly cut up.