Four miles northwest of Van Wirt, Ga.,
May 23, 1864.
Weather is getting very hot. We have made 21 miles today, and the distance, heat and dust have made it by far the hardest march we have had for a year. Excepting about six miles of dense pine woods the country we have passed through has been beautiful, quite rolling, but fertile and well improved. In the midst of the pine woods we stopped to rest at Hollis’ Mill, a sweet looking little 17-year old lady here told me she was and always had been Union, and that nearly all the poor folks here are Union. In answer to some questions about the roads and country, she said, “Well, now, I was born and raised right here, and never was anywhere, and never see anybody, and I just don’t know anything at all.”
I never saw so many stragglers as to-day. For 12 miles no water was to be had; then we came to a spring, a very large one, say 4 or 5 hogsheads a minute. All the officers in the army could not have kept the men in ranks. Saw no cases of sunstroke, but two of my men from heat turned blue with rush of blood to the head, and had to leave the ranks. Some think we are moving on Montgomery, Ala. Our orders say we need not hope for railroad communications for 20 days; I think that Atlanta is our point, although we were 50 miles from there this morning and 60 to-night. The planters in this country own thousands of negroes, and they’ve run them all off down this road. They are about two days ahead of us, and the poor people say as thick on the road as we are. Have passed several to-day who escaped from their masters.
May 22, 1864.
Two regiments of three-year’s men who did not “veteran” started home to-day. The loss of the army in this way will not be much. Not more than one or two regiments in any corps refused to veteran. We are drawing 20 days’ rations, sending sick back to convalescent camp at Chattanooga, and making all preparations for a hard campaign.
May 21, 1864.
The 23d Army Corps moved South yesterday. I hear that they found the enemy on the south bank of the Etowah river, and that he disputes the crossing. Grant seems to be checked in his “on to Richmond.” It seems that Rebel Iverson, whom I saw dead near Adairsville, was a brigadier general and a son of the ex-Congressman. This Kingston has been a gem of a little town, but the Rebels burned most of it when they left. Our railroad men are very enterprising. The cars got here the same night we did, and a dozen or 20 trains are coming per day, all loaded inside with commissary stores and outside with soldiers.
Kingston, May 20, 1864.
Our cars got here this morning; the whistle woke me. One of the most improbable rumors afloat is that letters will be allowed to go North to-day. I know you are anxious, so will not lose the rumor of a chance. Billy Fox returned to-day. My things are all right at Chattanooga. I’m in excellent health and all right every way. The news from Grant encourages us very much, but if he gets whipped it won’t keep us from whaling Johnston. We’re now about 50 miles from Atlanta. Will probably take a day or two here to replenish the supply trains, and let the men recruit a little after their twenty-day march; don’t know anything about Johnston; it is not thought he will give us a fight near here.
Kingston, Cass County, Ga., May 19, 1864, 5 p.m.
The artillery has been working all day, but have not heard how much of a fight. That dead Rebel colonel was Iverson, of the Second Georgia Cavalry; we think he was formerly a M. C. of this State, and a secessionist. The citizens here have most all left the towns, but are nearly all at home in the country. The cavalry had sharp fighting in the road we have come over to-day. Many dead horses and a number of fresh graves by the roadside. I wish I was in the cavalry. This plodding along afoot is dry business, compared with horse-back traveling. I hear this morning that Wilder’s mounted infantry captured two cannons and 600 Rebels this afternoon. Also that 6,000 prisoners were yesterday started from Dalton for the North.
May 18, 1864.
Our division has had the advance to-day, but no infantry fighting. At noon we get into Adairsville and meet the 4th Army Corps. Saw Generals Howard, Thomas, Sickles and a hundred others. We are camped five miles southwest of town and by the prettiest place I ever saw. The house is excellent, the grounds excel in beauty anything I ever imagined. The occupants have run away. Our cavalry had a sharp fight here this p.m., and on one of the gravel walks in the beautiful garden lies a Rebel colonel, shot in five places. He must have been a noble looking man; looks 50 years old, and has a fine form and features. Think his name is Irwin. I think there must be a hundred varieties of the rose in bloom here and the most splendid specimens of cactus. I do wish you could see it. At Adairsville, night before last, we lost 400 killed and wounded in a skirmish.
Nine a.m.—Rapid artillery firing on our left front. We are waiting for Osterhaus and Morgan L. Smith to get out of the way. Our division has the rear to-day. Our cars got into Adairsville yesterday evening and the last Rebel train left in the morning. Firing on the left very heavy.
May 17, 1864, 10 a.m.
Our regiment moves in rear of the division to-day and we are still waiting for the trains to pass. We can hear firing in front occasionally, and although we have seen fighting enough to satisfy us for a time, still it’s more disagreeable to be away in the rear and hearing, but not knowing what’s going on, than to be in the field. I saw several hundred Rebel prisoners yesterday, among then one colonel. The country is much more level this side of the Coosa, but the pine woods spoil it. Our advance, from the faint sound of the artillery firing, must be seven or eight miles ahead. We will make it very warm for Johnston.
Ten p.m.—Have just got into camp, made12 miles to-day. Heavy firing on our left, which I hear is a division of Howard’s Corps.
May 16, 1864, 6 p.m.
The old story—the Rebels evacuated last night. They made two or three big feints of attacking during the night, but are all gone this morning. It is said they have taken up a position some five miles ahead. Prisoners and deserters are coming in. At Resaca we captured eight cannon, not more than 100 prisoners, and some provisions; don’t know what we got at Dalton. Some estimate our whole loss up to this time at 2,500 killed and wounded. Everything is getting the road for pursuit. The prisoners say Johnston will make a stand 40 miles south.
Six p.m.—The 16th Corps moved out on the Rome road, and while we are waiting for the 14th Corps to get out of our way word came that the 16th had run against a snag. We were moved out at once at nearly double quick time to help them. Trotted four miles and passed a good many wounded, but we were not needed. We bivouac to-night on the southeast bank of Coosa river. I hear to-night that our loss in the corps is 600 and that no corps has suffered less than ours. Some think the whole will foot over 5,000.
May 15, 1864, 1:30 a.m.
At 11 p.m. went again on the skirmish line with Captain Post and superintended the construction of rifle pits for our skirmishers. A good deal of fun between our boys and the Rebels talking only 50 yards apart.
Five thirty a.m.—At 3 a.m. moved and are now supporting Osterhaus, who is going to charge the railroad. Will see fighting this morning.
Nine a.m.—The skirmishers are fighting briskly. Osterhaus’ artillery is on both sides and behind us. Sherman has just passed us to the front. When we first came here about daylight the Rebels charged our folks on the hill ahead, but were repulsed without our assistance. McPherson is now passing. Osterhaus gained that hill last night by a charge, losing about 200 men in the operation. From a hill 50 yards from our position I can see the Rebel fort at Resaca and Rebels in abundance. It is not a mile distant.
One thirty p.m.—Our artillery is beginning to open on them. One man was killed and two wounded within 40 yards of the regiment by Rebel sharpshooters.
Seven p.m.—No charge yet to-day, but has been heavy fighting on the left. I have seen, this evening, Rebel trains moving in all directions. We have a good view of all their works.
May 14, 1864, Daylight.
We have just been in line and the intention was to charge the Rebel position, but two batteries were discovered in front of us. The skirmishers advanced a little and brought down a heavy fire. A battery is now getting into position in our front, right in front of our company, and when it opens I expect we will have another rain of shell from the Rebels.
Nine thirty-five a.m.—Our battery has opened, but the Rebels cannot reply. Four of their guns are in plain sight of us, but our brigade skirmishers have crawled up so close that not a Rebel dare load one of them. Joke on them! One of my men was struck on the foot while talking to me a few minutes ago. Made a blue spot, but did not break the skin.
Eleven forty-five a.m.—I think our regiment has not had more than six or eight wounded this morning. Very heavy musketry firing is going on on our left. It is the 14th Corps.
Two p.m.—Since 1 p.m. terrific artillery and musketry firing has been going on on our left. The enemy was massing against the 14th A. C. when Thomas attacked them. I think he drove them some distance.
Two thirty p.m.—My company is ordered to be deployed and sent down the hill to support skirmishers. We are in position, very lively firing is going on.
Five p.m.—A splendid artillery duel is going on right over my head. The Rebel battery is just across an open field, not 600 yards, and one of ours is a short 100 yards in my rear. Osterhaus a half mile on our right is playing on the same battery. Thomas is still fighting heavily. He seems to be turning their right or forcing it back. Every time the Rebels fire our skirmishers just more than let them have the bullets. I tell you this is the most exciting show I ever saw. Their battery is right in the edge of the woods, but so masked that we can’t see it, or wouldn’t let them load. I write under cover of a stump which a dead man of the 26th Indiana shares with me.
Eight p.m.—Just relieved; I lost no men. The fighting on the left was Hooker and Howard, and was very heavy.