Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Steamboat Diana, 70 miles from Vicksburg,

September 30, 1863.

We left Vicksburg in advance of the rest of the fleet at 8 o’clock this a.m. I am officer of the day and have found a good deal to do. Our regiment and the 40th Illinois are both on board and we are somewhat crowded. Gen. W. S. Smith and our division commander reached Vicksburg just before we left. The boat he came down on, the Robert Campbell, was burned about 50 miles above Vicksburg, and from 30 to 60 persons lost. The general and Colonel Hicks, our brigade commander, both escaped by swimming. General Smith says that a number of boats have been burned within two weeks by Rebel incendiaries and agents, the object being, by destroying our transportation, to make it impossible to reinforce Rosecrans from Grant’s army. General Smith is not yet with us, and we think he will not follow if we go to Chattanooga, for he was once under Rosecrans, and they had some serious difficulty. If he does retain command of the division we will probably stop at some point on the M. and C. railroad again. We all think a great deal of Smith, but would ten times rather lose him than have to, on his account, again go to guarding railroads. It has rained steadily for the last 48 hours, not very fast, but everything uncovered is thoroughly soaked. My company was first stationed on the berth deck, but when steam was raised it because so hot that I took them up on the hurricane deck where, though they have to stand the rain, it will certainly be better for them than breathing the hot steam.

Clear Creek, Miss., September 29, p.m.

As we were studying tactics together, preparatory to a battalion drill, our brigade commander at precisely 2:15 p.m., came into the colonel’s tent where we were, asked the colonel if he was ready to move immediately. The colonel replied that he was, and he then told us to be ready to start at 3 o’clock, and that the regiment first on the brigade parade ground, ready to move, should have the advance. In just twenty minutes we had struck tents, packed knaps, loaded wagons and formed line, everybody in the best of spirits at the thought of leaving and joining Rosecrans. We beat the other regiments and therefore got the advance, which was quite an object as the dust lays, when it don’t fly, several inches deep. I let my little chameleon (I wish I could have sent him home) back into the tree before we started. Cogswell’s battery attempted to pass us on the march, but our two advanced companies fixed bayonets, and by a few motions stopped the proceeding. Cogswell got very wrathy, but when Colonel Wright proposed to shoot him if he didn’t cool down, he became calmer and moved to the rear “promptly.” The dust has been awful. Never saw it worse, except in a march from Bolivar to Lagrange, Tenn., a year ago. We bivouacked at 9 o’clock p.m., nine miles from camp. I stood the march splendidly.

September 29th.

Had just got asleep last night when it commenced raining. I dressed myself (that means put on my boots) gathered up my oil-cloth and blanket and made for a bushy-topped tree. I sat down to lean back against the tree and I think one of the liveliest motions I ever made was getting up immediately afterward. The tree was a chinquapin, and I had sat down on a number of the burs, which are much like those of the chestnut. After quite a search I secured two small rails, and balancing myself on them I slept soundly until reveille at 2:30 a.m. It has rained all night, but in a small way, and just enough to make marching pleasant. We made Vicksburg by 7 a.m., the rain falling all the time. In fact, it has rained steadily up to this hour, 11 p.m. After a deal of hard work we are on the steamboat Diana, which belongs to the Marine brigade. The whole division is loaded on 15 steamboats and we start for Memphis in the morning. I forgot to mention a queer tree that I noticed at last night’s camp. They say it is the cabbage tree or mock pineapple. The leaves were many of them fully thirty inches long, giving the tree a tropical appearance. Saw some of the 8th Illinois boys. The regiment is not as healthy as it should be.

September 28, 1863.

By the exercise of a little strategy, this morning I caught a chameleon who had ventured out of a hollow tree to gobble some flies for his breakfast. I enveloped him or rather lassoed him with a pocket handkerchief and then slipped him into a bottle. He only showed two of his colors, changing from a very pretty snuff color to a beautiful light green.

September 27.

We sent our sick, nearly 100 in number, by wagon to the Big Black railroad depot, six miles, where they took the cars for Vicksburg. They will there await our arrival. I have now but 31 men in my company in camp. Ten months ago I marched 72 men from Bolivar, Tenn., to Lagrange. Not one has been lost by the bullet, and today a difference of 41 in the duty list. A rumor prevails to-day that Rosecrans has had a severe battle and has been defeated. It is impossible to learn or hear anything in this place until the date alone would make it uninteresting. Blair’s division moved into Vicksburg from the depot to-day to embark. Osterhaus’ division is already on its way up the river. In the evening, with Captains Bishop and Smith and Lieutenant Johnson, had a rather dull game of “California Seven Up.” All kinds of rumors today about the fight in northern Georgia. Have no hope of ever hearing the truth of the matter in camp. We are now 12 days behind in papers. The 3d brigade of our division and some cavalry started, with three days rations, on a scout across the river to-day. Suppose the object is to cover our move to Vicksburg, though I don’t believe there are 100 armed Rebels this side of the Alabama line. The soldiers of our division have been having some high fun for the last two days. Orders are very strict against firing in camp, but the men found out they could get up some artificial firing by putting green can in the fire. The steam from the sap generating between the joints will make an explosion equal to a gun fired. And they got up some artillery firing by putting canteens half full of water, stopping them tightly and then putting them in the flames. They did this just to bore the officers who are held responsible by the general for all firing. To-night the general has ordered all the officers of the 40th Illinois to patrol the camp the whole night. This, of course, tickles the men hugely, and from their beds in their tents they have been talking over the duties of a sentry for the benefit of their officer’s ears. The devilment that soldiers cannot contrive must be unearthly. To-day some of the 6th Iowa filled an oyster can half full of powder, set a slow train to it and planted it in the ground, they then set a cracker box over it and got a negro to dancing on the box A coal was then touched to the train and the “nigger” was blown full 20 feet. He landed, fortunately, without injury, but so badly scared that he was crazy for an hour. In the evening called on Captain Pinney of the 46th Ohio, and spent a very pleasant evening. He says that Vallandigham will poll about ten votes in their regiment; but that his disciples dare not open their mouths to advocate his cause. He says the loyal men would kill them sure if they dared to boast of their allegiance to a traitor.

Messengers Ferry, Big Black River, Miss.,

September 26, 1863.

When we assembled at regimental headquarters this p.m., the colonel informed us that our corps was ordered to report to Rosecrans, at Chattanooga, and that we should prepare to move at a moment’s notice.

Messengers Ferry, Big Black River, Miss.,

September 26, 1863.

Pass in your congratulations. We are under marching orders for Chattanooga. Our whole corps is going. We steam o’er sand-bars to Memphis, and then will probably “foot it,” though may go by cars as far as Corinth. From Memphis the march will be some 450 miles. We will pass through my favorite portion of Dixie, the Tennessee valley in North Alabama. We are all much rejoiced at the idea of leaving a country where there is no enemy save mosquitoes and chiggers and ague. We keep up the form of picketing; but I find it decidedly uninteresting to do such duty, knowing that coons and owls will cause all our alarms. Aside from knowing there is no enemy near, the picket duty is delightful here. I have seldom passed a more pleasant night than the one before last. The moon is about full, and our picket line (the post under my charge), about one and a half miles long, runs along the river bank through most beautiful little magnolia and beech groves and open grass plots. But a knowledge that there are guerrillas in the country is necessary to a thorough appreciation of picket duty. We are camped on the Messenger plantation. The owner thereof was very wealthy. Worth $1,000,000.00. Had some 500 negroes, etc. He armed and uniformed a secesh regiment at his own expense, and was, and is yet probably, a Rebel to the core. He fled at the approach of our troops, leaving his wife to manage for him. General Osterhaus called on her and asked her if she desired Federal protection. She said she didn’t ask anything of him or any of his crew. The general told her she had just an hour to select and load two wagons with kitchen furniture and start across the river. She moved, was gone about a month, begged permission to return and is now eating government rations, which she is too poor to pay for.

Camp at Messenger’s Ferry, Big Black River, Miss.,

September 22, 1863.

I wrote you a few lines from Vicksburg on the 18th inst. to notify you that I had escaped the perils of navigation (sandbar and guerillas) and of my safe arrival. I had a delightful trip down the river. A splendid boat, gentlemanly officers, not too many passengers, and beautiful weather. Major General Tuttle and wife and Mrs. General Grant were of our number. I think Mrs. Grant a model lady. She has seen not over thirty years, medium size, healthy blonde complexion, brown hair, blue eyes (cross-eyed) and has a pretty hand. She dresses very plainly, and busied herself knitting during nearly the whole trip. Believe her worthy of the general. Vicksburg is a miserable hole and was never anything better. A number of houses have been burned by our artillery firing, but altogether the town has suffered less than any secesh village I have seen at the hands of our forces. But very few buildings escaped being marked by our shot or shell, but such damage is easily repaired in most cases. No business whatever doing in the town, except issuing orders by generals, obeying them by soldiers and the chawing of commissary stores without price by the ragged citizen population. I was of the impression that I saw some rough country in Tishomingo County, Miss., and in the mountains in north Alabama, but after a day’s ride in the vicinity of Vicksburg and to our present camp, I find I was mistaken. They call it level here when the surface presents no greater angles than 45 degrees. I found only one officer to a company present here, and the colonel is also on leave. There is a great deal of sickness but the health of the regiment now is improving. We have lost a large number by disease since I left the regiment. Anyone who saw us in Peoria would open wide his eyes at the length of our line now, and think we’d surely passed a dozen battles. The greater part of the material this regiment is made of should never have been sent into the field. The consolation is that these folks would all have to die sometime, and they ought to be glad to get rid of their sickly lives, and get credit as patriots for the sacrifice. We are now in the 2d Brigade 4th Division 15th Army Corps, having been transferred from the 16th Army Corps. We are camped on the bluffs of Black river, which we picket. Our camp is the finest one I ever was in. There are two large magnolias, three white beeches, and a half dozen holly trees around my tent. I think the magnolia the finest looking tree I ever saw. Many of the trees are ornamented with Spanish moss, which, hanging from the branches in long and graceful rolls, adds very much to the beauty of the forest. Another little item I cannot help mentioning is the “chigger,” a little red insect much smaller than a pin-head, that buries itself in the skin and stings worse than a mosquito bite. Squirrels skip around in the trees in camp, and coons, owls, etc., make music for us nights. Capt. Gus Smith when on picket several nights, saw a bear (so he swears) and shot at it several times. The enemy’s cavalry are maneuvering around on the other side of the river, constantly making it unsafe for our boys to straggle much over there. Sabbath evening we, our brigade, moved out across the river about four miles to meet a party of Rebels, but as usual they were not there. We ate our supper while waiting for them and returned by moonlight, 8 o’oclock p.m. We’ve had a brigade review and a short brigade drill, and I’ve eaten a very hearty supper since finishing the last period. I feel perfectly well once more. Much better than I did any day while North. Did I tell you that I had the ague for a week or so before I started South? My continued ill health more than anything else is what started me off for the regiment so suddenly. The general wanted me to stay until after the fair, but I wouldn’t have done it for a horse. Altogether, I feel very happy over getting back to my company. The boys profess being very glad to have me with them again, and I assure you that such compliments do me good. I didn’t know that I could take as much interest in any strange humans as I feel in these men of my company. While I was in Central Illinois I wished many times that this war was over, and that I could settle in one of the many good points I saw for trade. I know that I could do well selling goods in any of a half dozen towns that I visited there, and even in Decatur. But I know I could not be satisfied out of the army while this war lasts. I am glad to be out of staff duty for several reasons. One of the most important is that it costs all my pay to keep me. I did not make a cent while with the general, and have only two months’ pay due me now. It has been very cold here. Night before last I had six blankets over me, last night five and will use four to-night. ‘Twas quite warm this p.m., but the nights are very cold. We will have hot weather yet. There is a great deal of ague here.

Vicksburg, September 18, 1863.

Left Cairo last Sabbath and arrived here this (Friday) morning. Am feeling splendidly. Better than for three months. Intended visiting you before going to my regiment, but know you’ll excuse me. Address me 4th Division 15th Army Corps.

Decatur, Ill., September 6, 1863.

Girls, fun, etc., have lost their charm, and I’ve made up my mind to go back to my regiment. Reasons, as follows: Firstly, the general’s health as affected by his wound is no better, and I think it doubtful whether he goes back. Second, if he does go to the army again he will be fit for nothing but “Post Duty.” Will not be able for the field. Third, I don’t like garrison work, and would rather be with my regiment in the field than with him in garrison. Fourth, my expenses are three times as heavy with him as with my regiment; and fifth and lastly, I wouldn’t, on any account, miss this fall campaign, and by staying with him I will be apt to. I presented the matter to the general in about that shape and urged him to let me slide immediately. He agreed to do so, telling me that he will not go back unless they force him to.

Decatur, Ill., August 31, 1863.

The general stopped me here and insists on keeping me for a time. Major Wait’s resignation, which was forwarded the same time the general sent his, has been accepted, and I now being the only member of the staff in the north, he wants me to stay with him, for should he be ordered away for any purpose, he would want some attendance. I would enjoy myself very much but for my biliousness. Appetite poor, miserable, sickish demoralized stomach, and am becoming yellow as saffron. My duties are not very heavy. The general has some very fine riding horses, and I devote some little time to exercising them. Mrs. Miner has very kindly undertaken to introduce me into society here, which, from what I have seen I judge to be very excellent. I went with the general to a union meeting at Charleston, about 100 miles from here, near the crossing of the Terre Haute and Alton and Chicago Branch of the Central. The general made a big speech, and I made a good many small, ones. We stopped with Col. Tom Marshall while there. Had a big dance at night in which I participated heavily, staying with them until the very last moment. Train left at 2 a.m. Never will forget that dance in the world.