Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Turning on the Light: A Dispassionate Survey of President Buchanan’s Administration, From 1860 to its Close, by Horatio King

Lowell, Mass., Nov. 26,1860.

My Dear Sir,—Your letter was received at Concord on Saturday, and I should have answered it while there if I could have found a little interval of leisure. I am here to-day on business, and can therefore do scarcely more than to thank you; but let so much, at least, be said. The apprehensions which you so forcibly express did not increase mine. You know how sincerely and earnestly I have for years deprecated the causes which, if not removed, I foresaw must produce the fearful crisis which is now upon us; and I know how ineffectual, in this section, have been all warnings of patriotism and ordinary forecast. Now, for the first time, men are compelled to open their eyes, as if aroused from some strange delusion, upon a full view of the nearness and magnitude of impending calamities. It is worse than idle—it is foolhardy—to discuss the question of probable relative suffering and loss in different sections of the Union. In case of disruption we shall all be involved in common financial embarrassment and ruin, and, I fear, in common destruction so much more appalling than any attendant upon mere sacrifice of property, that one involuntarily turns from its contemplation. To my mind one thing is clear: no wise man can, under existing circumstances, dream of coercion. The first blow struck in that direction will be a blow fatal even to hope.

You have observed, of course, how seriously commercial confidence, and consequently the price of stocks, etc., have already been shaken at the North, and yet there is in the public mind a very imperfect apprehension of the danger. Still, there are indications of a disposition to repeal laws directed against the constitutional rights of the Southern States,— such as personal liberty bills, etc.—and if we could gain a little time, there would seem to be ground of hope that these just causes of distrust and dissatisfaction may be removed. I trust the South will make a large draft on their devotion to the Union, and be guided by the wise moderation which the exigency so urgently calls for. Can it be that this flag, with all the stars in their places, is no longer to float, at home, abroad, and always, as an emblem of our united power, common freedom, and unchallenged security? Can it be that it is to go down in darkness, if not in blood, before we have completed a single century of our independent national existence? I agree with you that madness has ruled the hour in pushing forward a line of aggressions upon the South, but I will not despair of returning reason and of a re-awakened sense of constitutional right and duty. I will still look with earnest hope for the full and speedy vindication of the co-equal rights and co-equal obligations of these States, and for restored fraternity under the present Constitution— fraternity secured by following the example of the fathers of the republic—fraternity based upon admission and cheerful maintenance of all the provisions and requirements of the sacred instrument under which they and their children have been so signally blessed. When that hope shall perish, if perish it must, life itself, my friend, will lose its value for you and me. It is apparent that much will depend upon the views expressed and the tone and temper manifested during the early days of the session of Congress now near at hand. May the God of our fathers guide the counsels of those who in the different departments of government are invested in this critical epoch with responsibilities unknown since the sitting of the convention which framed the Constitution.

Your friend,

Franklin Pierce.


P. O. Dept., November 25,1860.

My Dear Sir,—I have good reason to believe that the President is beset by secessionists, who are almost exclusively occupying his attention ; and it is important that the true friends of the Union should do all in their power to strengthen his hands. Why will you not either write or come and see him, and get all the strong men of your city to do the same? I cannot call names, but rest assured what I tell you is true. The course of the ‘Constitution’ is infamous, but the President, I presume, has no means of controlling it. Pray let him hear from you all in a most decided manner on this subject. Let him know how much the paper and suspicions of disunion influences near him are injuring him.

Stephens’s speech is admirable; but observe that you do not see it, or anything like it, in the ‘Constitution.’ Get the papers to come out and denounce the ‘Constitution.’ You may rely upon it, all its secession articles are directly against the feelings of the President.

As the existence of the Department depends on the stability of the Union, I shall treat this as ‘on official business.’

Yours truly,

Horatio King.

HON. John A. Dix, New York.

Washington, November 25,1860.

My Dear Sir,—I would call and report to you what I know of the feelings of your friends whom I met recently in a flying visit to my native State, but that I know you are much occupied. May I not, therefore, be allowed to say to you briefly, in writing, that their most anxious desire is that the President will cast the whole weight of his influence against the secession movements at the South and in support of the Union? Among those whom I met was General Dix, who, of course, is greatly concerned with reference to the present excitement. He had written both to Mr. Cobb and Mr. Breckinridge, pressing them to come out boldly against secession. The inclosed note from him may be interesting to you. You need not trouble yourself to return it.

I hope I shall not be deemed obtrusive. My great desire is that the Union may be preserved, and that in your noble efforts to that end you may know that all your true friends will stand by you to the last.

I have the honor to be,

Very sincerely your friend,

Horatio King.

His Excellency, James Buchanan.


P. O. Department, Appt. Office, November 23,1860.

My Dear Sir,—Your private note of yesterday is received. I have shown it to the Postmaster-General. I am told both the President and Mr. Cobb are under a good deal of excitement. I have no doubt the friends of the President are determined to know whether there is secession in the Cabinet, and whether the President is responsible for the infamous course of the Constitution. And all you can do to this end will be a public benefit. . . .

Things are looking a little better in Georgia to-day.

Very respectfully and truly yours,

Horatio King.

Hon. John A. Dix, New York.


New York, November 22, 1860.

My Dear Sir,— . . . We have divers reports of disagreements in the Cabinet in regard to the disunion movements in the South. I hear nothing from Cobb in reply to my letter.

There is a great fallacy at the basis of all the secession movements. It is this, that the violation of a compact by one of the parties releases all, assuming our federal system to be identical with a contract between individuals for certain purposes. It is totally different, and is not subject to the same reasoning and conclusions. The States have organized a central government and ceded to it a part of their sovereignty. The violation of the compact, to warrant a release of the parties, must be on the part of the central government, and not of one of the associates. Mr. Cushing, in his late letter, loses sight of this distinction—a vital one, as I think, in all our reasonings concerning the present disunion movements. In haste, I am,

Truly yours,

John A. Dix.

Hon. Horatio King.

Washington, November 7, 1860.

My Dear Sir,—The die is cast, and Lincoln is elected.

Shall we now fan the flame of disunion, or shall we exert our influence toward calming the already excited sentiment of the South?

What course should we, here in the District of Columbia, pursue ? Should we join hands with the disunionists and help on the storm, or should we not rather pour oil on the troubled waters ? . . .

My own will illustrate the condition of thousands in this district. With us everything depends on the Union being preserved.

What, then, was my indignation on learning that men holding office here under your administration were parading the streets here this morning with disunion cockades on their hats! and the leading article of the ‘Constitution’ to-day can have no other effect than to encourage and fan the flame of disunion, both here and at the South.

You will bear me witness that I have never intruded myself upon your counsels. But may I not, in the most respectful yet in the most earnest manner, now appeal to you—for if you are silent your enemies will, I am sure, attempt to hold you responsible for these things—to use your power in at once checking this dread spirit of disunion here in our midst?

With great respect,

Very sincerely your friend,

Horatio King.

His Excellency, James Buchanan.

The editorial article of the Constitution referred to in the preceding letter concludes as follows :

“We can understand the effect that will be produced in every Southern mind when he reads the news that he is now called on to decide for himself, his children, and his children’s children, whether he will submit tamely to the rule of one elected on account of his hostility to him and his, or whether he will make a struggle to defend his rights, his inheritance, and his honor.”