July 5 — Sabbath morning has again rolled around and I (with many others) as a prisoner. The Yankees visited us today and we conversed freely and friendly together. We are treated with great hospitality by them. Today has been unusually calm. W.R. Clack
Civil War Diary kept by W. R. Clack, Co. B, 43rd Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers.
July 4 — All is very quiet this morning around Vicksburg. The boys and the Yanks are conversing together.10 o’clock a.m. —Vicksburg is surrendering on account of our rations giving out. We marched to General Reynold’s headquarters and stacked our arms and then came back to our old position where we expect to remain until we are paroled. The evening passed off very quiet. WRC
July 3 — Things are rocking along as usual this morning. 10 o’clock General Pemberton sent out a flag of truce requesting General Grant to cease firing on our hospital. All was quiet up until 1 o’clock p.m. — 3 o’clock p.m. Heavy cannonading along the river. 6 o’clock p.m. — Pemberton now sends out another flag of truce trying to make a compromise preparatory for a surrender. 7 o’clock we now go to the trenches. All is very quiet now. WRC
July 2 — Firing was kept up all night from the mortar batteries on the opposite side of the river. Sharp shooters as usual this morning. The evening passed off tolerably quiet. WRC
July 1 — William Bowles of Co. P. died last night about 10 o’clock. Things are moving along here about as usual today. W.R.C.
June 30 — Some picket fighting done last night to our right. Sharp shooting as usual today. 10 o’clock a.m. — pretty heavy cannonading to our right at this hour. We lie in the trenches every night. The sun has now set beneath the western horizon for the last time in June, ’63 and we are still in possession of Vicksburg. W.R.C.
June 29 — Sharp shooting today as usual. Mathisas of Co. F. died in the trenches this morning of cramp. He did not live more than ten minutes after he was taken. King Stalcup of the 31st Tenn. Regt. was killed last night by some of our own men. The Yankees made a charge on our right this evening but were repulsed. W.R.C.
June 28 — Another Sabbath has found me alive and well for which I feel very thankful and glorify my heavenly Master. Things were very quiet last night. I worked nearly all night planting a battery. Sharp shooters commenced operating as usual at daylight. Lieut. Clepes of Co. E was mortally wounded this morning. He was in the trenches. W. R. C.
June 27 — We got to rest last night. Everything was more quiet all night than common. Firing commenced at daylight again this morning. 8 o’clock a.m. — the mortars are dropping shells about us. They are throwing them about five miles. 7 o’clock p.m. We now start out to the trenches again. A young man by the name of Garghess belonging to the 3rd Tenn. Regt. was killed here in fifty yards of me this evening with a piece of a shell. Oh! Lord I pray for thy protection. W. R. Clack
June 26 — Sharp shooters firing away as usual this morning 4 o’clock p.m. we have received orders to move back to support Col. Bartlow. 7 o’clock we now start out to the trench.