Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Civil war portrait

Captain Elbert J Kuhn, Indianola, Iowa, Company G, 10th Iowa Infantry.

Captain Elbert J Kuhn, Indianola, Iowa, Company G, 10th Iowa Infantry.

Promoted: Captain Jan. 27, 1863.

Wounded in both thighs on May 16, 1863, Battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; Resigned Nov. 6, 1864.

Sheriff, Warren County, 1867 – 71

Born Feb. 20, 1825, Tennessee

Died: Mar. 1, 1907

Civil War Portrait 034

Alfred Waud

Alfred Waud, full-length portrait, seated, holding a pencil and pad, facing left.

Photographed by Alexander Gardner in 1863

Photographic print : albumen, on carte de visite mount.

Library of Congress image.

Civil War Portrait 033

Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment On May 10, 1863, Private Clack is on picket or fortification duty near Big Black River in Mississippi, outside of the Vicksburg fortifications.


Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, with saber, pistol, and small book. half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case) Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012 Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Record page for image is here.


digital file from original itemNote: This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal. Civil War Portrait 030

Private Jacob Harker of Company C, 120th Ohio Volunteers in uniform with musket and haversack

Private Jacob Harker of Company C, 120th Ohio Volunteers in uniform with musket and haversack; identification based on note inside case: Pvt. Jacob Harker, Co. C, 120th Ohio Vol. died May 1863 of diarrhea, N.O., La.

sixth-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 9.5 x 8.3 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.


digital file from original, tonality adjustedNote – This image has been digitally adjusted for one or more of the following:

  • fade correction,
  • color, contrast, and/or saturation enhancement
  • selected spot removal.

Civil War Portrait 032

Unidentified woman with cased photograph of Private W.R. Clack Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment


Unidentified woman with cased photograph of Private W.R. Clack Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, possibly Clack’s future wife, Sabria Caroline Newport Clack.  They married after the war.

half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.

______________  This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.

Civil War Portrait 031

Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment

On May 10, 1863, Private Clack is on picket or fortification duty near Big Black River in Mississippi, outside of the Vicksburg fortifications.


Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, with saber, pistol, and small book.

half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.


digital file from original itemNote:  This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.

Civil War Portrait 030

Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform with militia sword and revolver


Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant’s uniform with militia sword and revolver.

sixth-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 9.5 x 8.2 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.

______________  This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.

Civil War Portrait 029

Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence, a redeemed slave child, five years of age as she appeared when found in slavery

Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence, a redeemed slave child, five years of age as she appeared when found in slavery. Redeemed in Virginia by Catharine [i.e., Catherine] S. Lawrence; baptized in Brooklyn, at Plymouth Church by Henry Ward Beecher, May 1863 / photographed by Kellogg Brothers, 279 Main Street, Hartford Conn.

Fannie was one of the most photographed of “slave children” used as propaganda  by abolitionists during the civil war.  Despite her light color, she was considered black because of mixed black.white ancestry.  Fannie was considered an “octoroon”as someone who was of 1/8 black ancestry.

Henry Ward Beecher, of course, was one of the leading abolitionist spokesmen in the U. S., a preacher and brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

Civil War Portrait 028

Private Charles H. Bickford of B Company, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as a young boy


Private Charles H. Bickford of B Company, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as a child.

Name from inscription on handwritten note in case; additional information on note includes date of birth, March 1844, date and place of death, May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Virginia, and name of sister, Georgeanna Hunt.

Gift; Tom Liljenquist; 2010

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.

Civil War Portrait 027

Roswell K. Bishop of Company I, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment in uniform with holstered revolver

Roswell K. Bishop of Company I, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment in uniform with holstered revolver

photograph : sixth-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 9.5 x 8.5 cm (case)

Gift; Tom Liljenquist; 2010

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.


A tintype version of this image includes the following: Roswell K. Bishop, Co. I, 123 Reg. N.Y.S.V. Killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 3d 1863.

Civil War Portrait 026