Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of a Young Officer–Josiah Marshall Favill (57th New York Infantry)

December 9th. It now seems likely we shall have to give up these snug quarters, and begin another campaign. Preparations are making for a move of some sort, and report still says for an atack in front of Fredericksburg; as there is no particular reason why we should not cross to the right or left of the enemy’s strong position, we shall most likely make an attempt on either one or both flanks.

The town lies in a plain, about eight hundred yards in front of the heights, which command the entire place, and they again are commanded by a second and third range of hills, all thoroughly fortified, so on the whole, the position may be considered impregnable. Our picket line extends from just above Falmouth, to a place called Massaponnox Ford, five miles below.

December 8th. We hear to-day that Burnside has made up his mind to cross the river, and attack the rebel works in front. It hardly seems possible, as they are now fortified in the most approved manner, and garrisoned by the best army the Confederacy has in the field. At this season of the year, in this country, where the roads become bottomless pits on the first rain storm, it is impossible to campaign anyway, and whoever undertakes it is sure to be beaten; therefore we hope the rumor may prove untrue.

December 6th. Last evening G___ was at our headquarters, and the conversation turning on the relative value of the greenback and confederate money, G___ loudly asserted that confederate money was just as good as federal money, and stuck to it against the arguments of Broom, La Valley, and others. The next day, accompanied by an orderly I rode over to his store house, and bargained for a ten pound bag of Lone Jack smoking tobacco, which he said was worth ten dollars. I handed him out a ten dollar confederate bill, which he pocketed without a word, and the orderly rode home with the tobacco. I told the colonel when I returned how G___ had practiced what he preached, which greatly amused him. The joke is that one can buy confederate money for about fifty for one and it is doubtful if it is worth as much as that even. An order was issued to-day prohibiting communication between the pickets, our men have communicated with the enemy by means of little boats, rigged to sail across alone and in this way have swapped coffee for tobacco, newspapers, etc., and perhaps other things, and so we have had to put a stop to it.

That great desideratum in campaigning, viz. soft bread, is now happily furnished in abundance, the Fifty-seventh having established ovens large enough to bake for a brigade.

December 1st, 1862. Several new regiments have been assigned to us, among them the Twenty-seventh Connecticut Volunteers, a very large, nine-month regiment excellent material, but from the colonel down wholly inexperienced. The Second Delaware, a very well-drilled regiment, is a valuable addition. The Twenty-seventh is commanded by Colonel Bostwick, and the Second Delaware by Colonel Bailey. As the Twenty-seventh is entirely without drill officers, the colonel issued an order appointing me instructer of infantry tactics of the brigade, and I am now daily drilling the officers and sergeants. I find my staff duties have made me decidedly rusty on tactics, and so have to read up again.

November 21st. Quartermaster Broom of the Fifty-seventh is now an acting aide-de-amp, whose special duty is to look after the mess, he having peculiar talents in this line, and is unequaled in providing the larder. We are now living on roast beef, pudding, pies, etc., and expect soon to resume our original sleekness, which continued campaigning has sadly impaired. The office is the general rendezvous, and here we meet together and enjoy each other’s society. Chaplain Dwight, of the Sixty-sixth New York, a most accomplished and agreeable gentleman, is one of our constant callers, and a most interesting companion. G___ calls, too, and airs his rebellious views, and makes a good deal of fun for us. One of our regimental commanders, an accomplished colonel, I am sorry to say, is under arrest for misbehavior before the enemy, on the occasion of our taking Falmouth. He is an excellent officer in camp, but like many another, when fighting is in order, he usually finds himself out of order, which is of course, most unlucky. His regiment is now commanded by the lieutenant-colonel, a first-class officer, peculiar, but full of courage, and always ready for a fight.

The enemy occupy the range of hills opposite, and are working night and day to make them impregnable. Apparently there are a series of hills running parallel to the river, or nearly so, in rear of each other, and the camps of Lee’s army are wholly sheltered in the intervening valleys. No better position for defense could be found, and Lee must thank his stars Burnside did not establish himself on that side when he had a chance to do so almost unopposed. It is strange how constantly we fall short in our endeavors at the very moment when we might succeed. Something is missing; this time, it was the pontoon train that failed us just at the critical point in the campaign.

November 20, 1862. On taking command of Falmouth, we made a list of the inhabitants, showing their age, occupation, sex, etc. There is so much illicit communication with the enemy, that a strict surveillance is necessary, even over the women, whom we have more than once found performing the office of spies. Sentinels are posted at every street corner, and the patrol goes the rounds every hour both night and day.

The Fifty-seventh is for the time being the provost guard, and both officers and men are delighted at their good fortune. As most of the best houses were deserted when we arrived, the officers found no difficulty in securing good quarters. The difference between a good house, even if it is empty, and an ordinary shelter tent, late in November, is immense, and the officers fully appreciate it.

Yesterday morning I sallied out to call upon the prominent people, and accompanied by the officer of the guard, made a circuit of the town. The chief residents here are the G___s, and K___s, and an old lady relation of the G___s, and two very good looking young ladies. The young women came to the door and joined in the conversation, much to the disgust of the old lady, who did her best to keep them in the background. They were anxious about some cows and a stable they had, and chattered away for some time. Later on I mentioned them to Colonel Zook in General Hancock’s presence, who at once proposed that they should call and see the young women themselves; accordingly in the afternoon the general rode over, wearing his yellow sash, and together with the colonel, followed by an orderly, called at their house. They returned sooner than expected, and so I asked the colonel if my description of the young women was not satisfactory. He said they did not see them, the old lady refusing to call them into the parlor. Not finding the ancient party particularly interesting, they soon came away, both disappointed, which amused me a good deal.

G___ , who owns the mill and storehouse, which are filled with flour, tobacco, etc., by some unique arrangement seems to hold on to his property, notwithstanding the place has frequently changed hands. He is an outspoken rebel, in the prime of manhood, the only Virginia I have met of his class not in the rebel army, but his wife claims to be a New Yorker, and so when the Stars and Stripes float over the town, Mrs. G___ comes to the front; when it is supplanted by the rebel flag, G___ steps out, and thus they manage to retain their goods, amidst the storm of war which ravages all around them.

In a large brick house by the river side, live a family of K___s, F. F. Vs! Here, too, are two young ladies who acted friendly, and were anxious to establish relations with the commanding officer and staff.

As for the rest of the inhabitants, they are what are called poor whites, and are very poor indeed, both mentally and physically, mostly women and children with a few decrepit old men.

Headquarters are in a vacant house on the southeastern corner of the principal street, opposite the lonely looking little brick church. We use the front room for an office, while the rear room does duty as a dining room, and sleeping quarters for the staff. The colonel, as becomes the dignity of the commandant, sleeps alone up stairs. The house is empty, save for the office desks and folding chairs, but when the various colored blankets are spread on the floor, around the room at night, ready for use, it looks quite luxurious.

November 18th. This morning, by direction of General Hancock, Colonel Zook assumed command of Falmouth as military governor, and I was appointed post adjutant in addition to my duties as Aide-de-Camp.

November 17th. Towards evening came within sight of Falmouth and struck a very slight line of cavalry pickets. We got together all the mounted officers and orderlies of the brigade, and formed ourselves as a line of cavalry skirmishers, and advanced, with the infantry in rear of us, hustling the scattered rebels before us in fine style, advancing close to the high hills overlooking the little village below, where we were stopped by a shell from a rebel battery, which exploded just in front of us. The Fifty-seventh and Sixty-sixth regiments were ordered up, and directed to scale the hill, which they did in fine style, although the rebels had the exact range, and dropped several shells amongst them. Reaching the crest of the hill, the town of Fredericksburg was in full view across the river and to the left, the battery that was shelling us could be seen down by the river alongside a brick mill. The colonel sent for Captain Pettit, who soon came up with his battery, and by doubling the teams and getting many men to push, quickly ran a couple of guns up the very steep hill. We all stood around awaiting the opening fire, while the rebels industriously blazed away, hoping to drive us off, but they were disappointed, Pettit sighted the two guns himself, and the first two shells burst directly in front of the rebel guns, driving every man away from them. They subsequently tried to man the guns again, but were driven back just as before. Finally a single man came out with a rope and tried to draw the guns off, but in this too they were equally unsuccessful, and finally abandoned them altogether. In the meantime the infantry marched down, and occupied Falmouth at the base of the hills along the river bank. The river here flows over a rocky bed, and while unnavigable, is not fordable near the town. A little way up there is a dam of eight or ten feet fall perhaps, and below that the water gradually increased in depth, until in front of Fredericksburg, about a mile below, it is navigable for large boats. There were three bridges, one opposite Falmouth, and two in front of Fredericksburg, but all three are now destroyed except their blackened piers, which stand as melancholy monuments of the devastation of war.

As the pontoon train ordered to be on hand had not arrived, we could not get across, and so made preparations for an early attack the following morning, but to our surprise were directed to establish camps and picket lines.

November 16th. Fell in as usual at break of day, but broke ranks afterwards and prepared breakfast leisurely, and about eight o’clock continued the march now known to be to Frederickburg, which we hope to carry by surprise. The movement is intended to substitute the Potomac river, Acquia creek and the short overland route, to Fredericksburg, as base of supplies, in place of the Manassas route, which is more hazardous. Made a short march and went into bivouac in the open country.

November 15th. Tents were struck, wagons loaded, and the troops fell in about 9 o’clock this morning, marching in a southeasterly direction, north of the Rappahannock. Our division had the extreme right, glad to be on the march again. Only made an average march, and went into bivouac a few miles south of Warrenton Junction early in the afternoon. Very cold. The men cut down timber and made some magnificent camp fires, which kept us comfortable throughout the night.