Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of a Young Officer–Josiah Marshall Favill (57th New York Infantry)

November 10th. It is a curious thing how frequently the same ground is fough over in war times. Here we are to-day for the third time in the vicinity of the Bull Run and Rappahannock river. In fact we ocupy to-day the exact position that Pope held last August. There are certain strategic positions in all countries about which all the great battles are fought, as for instance the Low Countries in Europe, which have been the battlefield in numberless wars for generations. It seems the neighborhood of Bull Run is the great strategic position in the State of Virginia, and who knows but what we may have to fight the last battle here, as well as the first.

There is nothing to report, the Second, Third and Fifth corps are all here around Warrenton, and the Ninth is on the Rappahannock. The Eleventh, I understand, is at Thoroughfare Gap and Gainsville, which we hope is true, as that is the weak spot in our present position. Lee’s army is reported at Culpeper, freshly recruited and equipped, and again on the defensive, which is its strong point.

November 9th. Upon our arrival where most of the army is encamped, we went into bivouac and established brigade headquarters in a log house close to the village; not very comfortable, but still more convenient than tents. Early this morning all preparations were made for the great review, and about ten o’clock we marched out on the main road, and formed in close column in the fields parallel to the road. The road was lined with troops for miles, and made a formidable display. When McClellan came galloping down the line, followed, as is his custom, by a large staff and escort, the troops broke out in an immense cheer, which was taken up and carried from one end of the line to the other. There was a great deal of enthusiasm, and the soldiers seemed sorry to change commanders. Every one feels sad to think we could not pull together to the end, but the change is undoubtedly for the best, although nobody expects much from Burnside. The number of the army here is estimated to-day at one hundred and thirty thousand. The parade showed up a wonderfully fine looking body of men which, under a capable leader, could do almost anything.

November 8th. We were ordered to Warrenton to-day to take part in the great review to-morrow of all the troops belonging to the Army of the Potomac, in honor of General McClellan, who is to retire in favor of General Burnside. Weather getting cold and cheerless.

November 5th. Still in camp at New Upperville, doing absolutely nothing, which seems to indicate a good deal of irresolution on the part of somebody. It is generally suspected that we have no plan of campaign and are just sloshing around waiting for something to turn up. Colonel Zook accepted an invitation for himself and staff to dinner at the house of a prominent Southern planter to-day, and we presented ourselves in full uniform. The house was large and stately, with wide halls and lofty ceilings, and the dinner was served in a very noble dining room. The appointments were in keeping with the style of the house, and the dinner proved excellent but very formal. Broom, who is neither formal, nor dignified, soon made himself at home, and at length induced a reasonable amount of sociability. The planter was a member of the Virginia legislature at the time the secession ordinance was passed, and was opposed to it. Finding himself in the minority, he retired to his ancestral domain, and has since endeavored to preserve a masterly inactivity, a difficult thing to do in these times. He gave us many interesting reminiscences of public men in Virginia, apparently knowing every man of note in the State.

November 3d. Early in the morning the division marched through a pretty country to New Upperville, and, as the enemy were not in sight, we enjoyed ourselves and had a jolly good time. Loudon Valley is a fine farming section, growing good grass, and affords the army much subsistance for both man and beast.

November 2d. Early in the morning the pickets reported clouds of dust advancing towards the Gap, which at once brought out our field glasses, to scan the magnificent valley lying at our feet. We saw the clouds of dust, and soon made out a column of infantry advancing, and from their formation, they evidently expected to find the Gap unoccupied. When they came within artillery range, Pettit opened fire with his two ten pounder Parrots, and to our astonishment, dropped his first shells immediately in front of them. I noted the flight of the shells from a position kneeling alongside one of the guns, and could easily trace its flight from beginning to end. He calculated the distance at about a mile, and we were not a little proud of Pettit’s wonderful skill in judging distances. The rebel column promptly disappeared under cover of some friendly woods. At five o’clock much to our disgust, we were relieved by the brigade of regulars from Sykes’s division. I remained on the top of the mountain to point out the position of the picket line, and while waiting for the fresh troops to come up, dismounted, and lay down on the sweet, short grass, green as emerald, and enjoyed a charming little reverie entirely alone, without a human being in sight.

We enjoyed life on the mountain top, and were loath to descend, but not being our own masters have to take what is set before us. Headquarters are established in a small house by the road side, just at the base of the mountain. There are two fine young women, who with the entire family sit down with us to eat, our mess furnishing the cooks, and the food, and the house the appointments. The ladies are rebellious, but fond of attention, and so we have a good deal of fun.

November 1st, 1862. Fell in, and marched to Snicker’s Gap, our brigade in advance. We left part of the brigade with two guns in the Gap, about half way up the mountain, and posted the other half on the summit, which is broad, flat, and covered with fine grass, used in times of peace for grazing. There is an occasional house, and although very lonely, we found it an interesting position. After posting a picket line looking towards the Shenandoah, we descended to near the house, where brigade headquarters were established.

October 31st. Remained at Key’s Pass all day, but received orders to march to-morrow morning. Weather favorable for campaigning. We hear to-night that a great event is about to happen to the army of the Potomac. General McClellan has been, or is to be, relieved and Burnside placed in comamnd. I met McClellan with an escort, on my return to the brigade, and wondered where he was going. The general has many friends in the army, who will be sorry to part with him, and even those of us who have no great faith in his abilities, are attached to him through long association, and will feel the change, as another link broken in the chain of friendship, which, in the army, is highly developed. I doubt if a single man in this army would have suggested Burnside as his successor. Burnside’s name is not associated with any great deeds, and we can hardly believe he is to become commander-in-chief. He is a superb looking officer, but too much in love with himself to amount to much. He is stylish to a degree, wears side whiskers, large slouch hat, top boots and is altogether an ideal cavalier, but without the force of character which men look for in a commanding officer. He commanded our brigade, so called, at the first battle of Bull Run, without winning any distinction.

October 30th. The dentist worked all day long, and put my teeth in good condition, at least so he says, but from the easy manner in which he let me off, I am a little skeptical as to the permanency of his work. In the evening I dined with McKim and Talcott, the New York Herald reporter, at the division hospital. We had a good dinner and jolly conversation. Talcott, who is a genius in his way, and a friend of the whole division, is a capital talker and told some very funny yarns. The doctor confessed to having received a leave of absence and is going home immediately. He says he may come back again, but that is very unlikely, and we shall probably never see him again in the army. He is one of the best fellows in the service, and will be greatly missed. Towards evening I bid them all good bye, and rejoined my command, in company with several other officers.

October 29th. The corps did not commence crossing until to-day. At 4 P. M. our division struck tents, and at five o’clock were en route. We crossed the Potomac with rather heavy hearts, and advanced directly up the valley, skirting along the mountain’s base; marched six miles, and then halted, and bivouacked on the north side of Key’s Pass. As soon as the troops were placed in position, I rode back to Harper’s Ferry with General Meagher and an escort, to get my teeth put in order by a dentist, a friend of Captain La Valley, the acting brigade commissary. My teeth lately have been very troublesome, and as we are constantly exposed I thought the present chance too good to be overlooked. I put up with La Valley, who is a bon vivant as well as a good commissary, and enjoyed a pleasant evening with a crowd of friends.