Thursday, 9th—Saturday, 11th—All quiet. Put on one month’s roots for the Kentucky trip; read at dress parade yesterday evening; commenced this morning.
Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Co. D of Terry’s Texas Rangers
Wednesday, 8th—Remain in camp.
Tuesday. 7th—Came cross the mountain through Hamburg, got dinner there at Mrs. Reeves and came on to Camp within one and a half miles of Trenton.
Monday, 6th—Start cross the mountains. Came up, I and Paul Watkins, to Nicka Jack, staid all night with Mrs. Porter.
Sunday, 5th—Came up to the foot of the mountains and camped.
Saturday, 4th—Came down to Battle Creek from head of Sweden’s Cove; portion of Polk’s Corps crossed pontoon at mouth of Battle Creek and cross the river. We came on to Bridgeport. Crossed this evening. Met Bob Ship here.
Friday, 3rd—I waited until our wagons came up and put my luggage on them and rolled on. Came to foot of Mountain tonight.
Thursday, July 2nd—Came on to Deckerd this morning. Prom there took wrong road and came up Cumberland Mountain to the University with Hardee’s Corps. Found there that we had taken the wrong road. John went down to the house to get some information and I lost him. I came down to the railroad and staid all night. Polk’s Corps crossing all night.
Wednesday, July 1st—Army in full retreat. Came on to Alisony bout 11 o’clock. While on the move from that point my mare fell and broke her left foreleg just below the knee. John Henry was left with me. We came on short distance and went to sleep. I left my mare where the accident happened.
Tuesday, 30th—Our work finished and we return to Camp at Tullahoma. Regiment came in soon after. I got a letter from Miss S. A. Jourdan. I went over to the Texas Brigade, saw Doe. Norwood, George Holman, George Jourdan, Frank Wilkes and Billy Dunson. Came back and our Regiment moved out on the right and camped. I went on a scout with Black to Hillsboro; went within one mile and came back; no Yanks there. Traveled all day or I should have said all night. Got back and found the Army on the retreat.