Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Co. D of Terry’s Texas Rangers

Monday, 29th—I was detailed to go to the shop; came on to town, found Stroud and came out five miles to shop. Still raining. We spend the night at the shop.

Sunday, 28th—Came on to-day to Tullahoma; continues to rain night and day. I saw James Maxwell, Billy Dunson, Julius Lensing and Doc. Norwood.

Friday, 26thSaturday, 27th—Came to Bell Buckle this morning and from there to Wartrace, our infantry falling back to Tullahoma. Went a short distance beyond Wartrace; 11th Texas and 4th Georgia skirmished with them a little; a few wounded. We came to Duck River and camped.

Thursday, 25th—Rained all day. Yanks made a general attack on our pickets. I went out to the Company about 11 a. m.; fell back to Ransom’s; went over to Bell Buckle; traveled all night. Came on to Fairfield; staid a short time and came on back to Ransom’s and camped.

Tuesday, 23rd—Wednesday, 24th—Company on picket. I came back to attend a court martial; staid all night in Camp.

Monday, 22nd—All quiet.

Sunday, 21st—Came over to Old Fosterville to picket.

Saturday, 20th—Remained in camp to-day. Three of the Arkansas Post boys came up from Wartrace and among the number was Doc. Norwood. Staid with us to-night.

Friday, 19th—Regiment came to Fairfield and from there to Bell Buckle and camped. I went out to Mr. Suggs and got some bread baked and returned.

Thursday, 18th—Review of Brigade by Gen’l Hardee.