Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Co. D of Terry’s Texas Rangers

Wednesday, 17th—Drill morning and evening inspection. Received two letters, one from Cousin Jennie, one from Tom Maxwell.

Tuesday, 16th—Regiment relieved and came into camp.

Monday, 15th—I took dinner to-day with Mr. Guess. Relieved this evening. Five of us went on scout; got supper at Mr. Mankin ‘s. I left my valise at Mr. Guess’s. I forgot to note leaving undershirt and pair of drawers at Mr. Brown’s on Falling Water.

Sunday, 14th—I and Capt. Hill go out after provisions, stop at Mr. Mankin’s, Prayters, Jacob’s, Mankin’s and return.

Saturday, 13th—Company go on picket.

Friday, 12th—On picket duty; camped at our old stand.

Thursday, 11th—Came on picket.

Monday, 8th—Came to McMinnville this morn. Ordered Regiment to Hoover’s Gap to picket; wagons to Manchester. I went to the wagons to get a saddle, stopped with Dave Nunn, staid all Tuesday, 9th. Came to camp, rigged my tree and Wednesday, 10th, came to the command, camped near Beech Grove on pike.

Sunday, 7th—Started for left wing, went to Sparta, halted there hour or two; came on to Cany Fork and camped.

Saturday, 6th—Lieut. Black took all men able for duty and started to Sligo this morning. To-night the Company got in from G.