Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of Alexander G. Downing; Company E, Eleventh Iowa Infantry

Friday, 4th—Left Dallas this morning, marched ten miles, and went into camp near Lost mountain. I went out with a foraging party from our regiment. We brought in five head of cattle and seven hogs, and also some cane molasses and corn meal. We also searched for cabbage, but the negroes did not know what we meant; they said that they had never seen any such thing growing. We found very few citizens at home, mostly poor families at that; but the men were away in the rebel army.

Thursday, 3d—Still raining. Our march today covered sixteen miles and the troops are very much fatigued. We camped for the night in Dallas, Georgia, one division, the Fourth, going into vacant houses and buildings in the town. The citizens all left the place upon our approach. There had been a cotton mill here, but it was closed down last summer when the Yankees were besieging Atlanta.

Wednesday, 2d—We started early this morning and after marching fifteen miles went into bivouac near Van Wert, Georgia. It rained all day, and the roads became so slippery that it made hard marching. Some of the men gave out and had to be hauled.

Tuesday, 1st—We started early this morning and marched through to Cedartown and went into bivouac for the night. I was taken sick this morning and had to ride all day in the ambulance. This was my first experience in the ambulance.

Monday, 31st—We lay in bivouac all day, this being a regular muster day, and the army was mustered. Foraging parties were again sent out. I was on picket continuously for twenty-four hours.

Sunday, 30th—We started early this morning and marched fifteen miles. We bivouacked for the night near Cave Springs. Large foraging parties were sent out which brought in great quantities of provisions and feed, this section not having been overrun by our armies. Cave Spring is a little village sixteen miles southwest of Rome, Georgia. The citizens all left their homes on the approach of our army. I was detailed on picket duty. All is quiet.

Saturday, 29th—We were routed out at 2 o’clock this morning and at daybreak took up our march. We covered fifteen miles and went into bivouac near Spring creek. We reached Cedar Bluffs by 10 o’clock, where the Fifteenth Army Corps passed us, turning on a road to the right. About noon we crossed the Coosa river on a pontoon bridge and marched all the afternoon through a miserable swamp. The country is heavily timbered with white oak, and is thinly settled.

Friday, 28th—Weather still pleasant. The Seventeenth Army Corps was reviewed by General Mower. We were out in full dress with knapsacks, haversacks and canteens on. There is to be only one battery to each division of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth Army Corps. The remainder of the artillery, with all defective wagons, horses and mules, is being sent back to Chattanooga. All things quiet in camp. We received orders to be ready to march in the morning at daylight.

Thursday, 27th—Still lying in camp, and all is quiet.

Wednesday, 26th—The weather is quite pleasant. Nothing of importance. Still in camp. Our work, outside of regular picket duty, is very light here.