Tuesday, 25th—Still lying in camp. The supply train of the Fifteenth Army Corps returned with rations late this evening, but the supply train of the Seventeenth Corps has not yet come in. It is reported that the army of the Tennessee is going on a march of four hundred miles. The route is supposed to be down through the States of Alabama and Mississippi and then up through to Memphis, Tennessee.[1] We are to take rations for thirty days and clothing for sixty days. The armies of the Ohio and of the Cumberland, it is said, are to garrison Atlanta[2] and also to hold the railroad between Atlanta and Nashville. The Twenty-third Army Corps moved out today to Cedar Bluffs.
[1] This was the first hint at “marching through Georgia,” but the camp rumor had it Alabama and Mississippi.—Ed.
[2] We learned later that it was Chattanooga instead of Atlanta, and that the two armies were to be united under the command of General Thomas.—A. G. D.
Monday, 24th—Still lying in camp and all is quiet at the front. Large foraging parties are being sent out for food for the men and feed for the horses and mules. The valleys in this part of the country are thickly settled, but not more than half of the plantations have been cultivated this past season, as the negroes were taken south by their masters to keep them from falling into the hands of the “Yanks,” and also to help build fortifications. The plantations that have been farmed were put mostly in wheat and corn. There are some large fields of corn which come in very handy for our army at this time.
Sunday, 23d—The weather is getting pretty cool mornings, but we have plenty of wood to build fires in front of our shacks. All is quiet in the front. I was relieved from picket this morning. We had company inspection this evening.
Saturday, 22d—We lay in camp all day for the purpose of resting. But it appears to the rank and file of the men that Sherman must have given up trying to catch Hood, or else we would not remain so long at one place. The supply trains were all sent back to the main railroad line for provisions. I went out on picket this morning. The non-veterans of the Eleventh and Thirteenth Iowa Regiments were mustered out this morning, and left for Chattanooga, from which place they will start for home. All of the non-veteran officers from each regiment, except two or three, went out with the privates. It is fine weather for marching. No news from the Eastern army.
Friday, 21st—The Fourth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Twenty-third Army Corps have concentrated here and are in bivouac. Foraging parties are sent out from the different corps, as there are some rich plantations in this section. Our corps moved camp today about four miles. All is quiet in the front. The report is that the rebels are retreating toward the Blue mountains.
Thursday, 20th—The same as ever. We marched twelve miles and went into camp near Galesville, Alabama. All of the forces of General Sherman which have been after Hood, came together at this place by different roads, and are now in bivouac. General Hardie of Hood’s army is in front of us with his corps and still retreating. It is fine marching weather.
Wednesday, 19th—We entered Summerville at 10 o’clock and remained there till noon, when we started for Galesville, Alabama. After marching fifteen miles, we went into bivouac on the banks of the Ogeechee river. All is quiet in front. The valleys through which we are marching are quite rich and there are some fine plantations which afford good forage. It is fortunate for us, as we have to get most of our living that way while on this expedition. Sweet potatoes are plentiful and then we also get some fresh pork.
Tuesday, 18th—We started early this morning and reached Lafayette at 9 o’clock. We lay there for two hours when we took up our march for Summerville, Georgia, and went into bivouac within four miles of the town. The rebels are still moving to the north through the Blue mountains. We had two days’ rations left in our haversacks this morning, when we received orders from the quartermaster that they would have to run us four days, as we could not draw any before that time. No news from the Eastern army.
Monday, 17th—We lay in bivouac all day, but at dark moved on about four miles and again went into bivouac. The weather has been very pleasant for some days. The muster rolls of the non-veterans of our regiment were made out today. They received their discharge papers, as their three years’ service will be up tomorrow. There are twelve from our company: Albert Allee, John L. Ayers, John Ford, George Eicher, Padenarin McCarty, Ebenezer Rankin, George Mooney, Hugh C. McBirney, Joseph McKibben, Thomas R. McConnoll, Samuel Metcalf and Albert B. Stiles.
Sunday, 16th—We left bivouac early this morning and marched eight miles. We passed through Gooseneck Gap, about four miles long and quite narrow. The rebels did not take time to block this gap. The Fifteenth Corps being in the advance, came upon the rebels and engaged them in some skirmishing. The rebels are still falling back to the north. We are now in a mountainous country, and thinly settled, as it is so rough and rocky. The timber here is of chestnut and all varieties of oak.