Diary And Memoranda, 1864
Mar. 5th. Heard from Genl. Kilpatrick, who has been making a raid on Richmond; it is acknowledged a bold affair by the southern press. Absent from inspection; rec’d my deserts for it.
Mar. 5th. Heard from Genl. Kilpatrick, who has been making a raid on Richmond; it is acknowledged a bold affair by the southern press. Absent from inspection; rec’d my deserts for it.
March 3rd. Have felt a little indisposed all day; but before dark summoned courage to visit the Grovers’ theatre. The play was “Othello.” I did not get very interested in the piece, doubtless on account of Booth not taking the part of Othello. It was sustained by all the actors.
Feb. 24th. Had a horse back ride in the morning. In the evening, went to Grover’s theatre [Washington, D. C.]. Edwin Booth took the part of Ruy Blas. The house cheered him several times, it was the first time that I ever saw him. I liked him very much, he made a slave of me. I would speak of the female portion; but they had such large mouths there is not room here to put them in. No reliable news from Genl. Sherman; but he is still on the move. Longstreet is retreating from the front of Knoxville. Went to the theatre. The play was Brutus. I liked it much; it made some of the women cry. He makes me his captive.
Feb. 23rd. The pay master visited us and gave us our XXVI. for two months hard labor. The officers had a big time at Lt. Col. W’s place last night; some of them (I should judge by their manners) had touched the cup.
Feb. 22nd. A rumor, viz. Genl. Sherman has taken 1200 prisoners and is now marching on Mobile.
Feb. 15th. Our going to Texas is played out, the 2nd. Conn, is going. Got a pipe tonight drawn by a lottery ticket.
Feb. 14th. Took a walk today and visited Forts Craig and Albany, also hospital and saw Geo. Frye [cousin]; he has had a rough time of it.
Feb. 13th. Had a close inspection by Col. T. Did not give any companies much praise. Carried a knapsack all the time, a very pretty and useful article for a soldier.
Feb. 12th. A rumor has been circulated that we are going to Texas. I hope it is true, as I have a great desire to see that part of the country.
Feb. 3rd. Went to the Washington theatre last night. Miss Keene played “She stoops to conquer.” It was a laughable affair. She did look splendidly arrayed in all her beauty, before the foot lights, a splendid form; but paint was too profuse, I would rather have seen her natural complextion.