Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Leverett Bradley: A Soldier-Boy’s Letters (1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery.)

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Feb. 1st. Quite a change in the Brigade Staff. Col. T. has sent them all to their companies, having found that they were working a plot. Some think in the end that the officers will get the best of it.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 31st. A very unpleasant day. Of course did not prevent inspection and parade. Have been writing ever since supper time on Monthly returns, furloughs, &c.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 30th. Had a parade this eveg. in a heavy mist; the guns are looking too well to keep dry!

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 29th. Inspection passed off well on the part of the men; but the officers lacked a little knowledge in the infantry drill.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 28th. Have been preparing all day for inspection which comes off tomorrow. Played four games of chess for the first time.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 26th. A beautiful evening, the moon is shining brightly and the Potomac is all aglow. The capitol of our nation looks magnificent in its rays, and to cap it all, the Goddess of Liberty smiles on the scene (poetic!)

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 25th. All the non-coms returned to duty today. I am at work on “Clothing book,” copying from old book to a new one.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 24th. Beautiful evening. Makes one think of home when he goes out to take a walk.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 23rd. Drew rations today. G―n is in the guard house. I have just returned from the Arlington House; heard some guitar playing that was enough to put me above the clouds.

Diary And Memoranda, 1864

Jan. 22nd. Quite a hubbub kicked up in the Co. amongst the noncoms. ; five are now in the guard house and one in arrest, grand chance for promotion. I have been making out charges and specifications all the evening against the non-coms. They will be tried by a genl. court martial.