June 15th. Set out at 10 A.m. on the Petersburg pike; had gone ten miles when we heard firing; got to the extreme front at 12 M. The negro troops had taken four lines of the enemy’s works.
Leverett Bradley: A Soldier-Boy’s Letters (1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery.)
June 14th. Started at 10 A.m. for James river; embarked on a steamer and landed the other side; marched two miles and halted for the rest of the column; formed line of battle and stopped for the night.
June 13th. Started bright and early; crossed the Chjckahominy at noon and halted for the night, about two miles from the James river. I was detailed for picket, but was relieved; commenced to put up breast works. Marched during the day 25 miles and was very tired.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 12th. Saw John W. breathe his last. Started at 10 P.M. on a flank movement; marched about 8 miles and halted for the night.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 11th. Pickets firing all day.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 10th. Arrived at Gaines Mills and found the boys. They looked rough. Only fifty present. Pickets firing all day.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 9th. Arrived at White House and started for the Army; went ten miles and stopped for the night.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 8th. Started for the “White House Landing,” Va., on steamer Lizzie Baker. Had a splendid sail.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 7th. Started for Washington to go to the Army of the Potomac; was too late.
Diary And Memoranda, 1864
June 6th. Went over to Fort Albany and found some of the boys.