Headquarters of New York Herald in the field (1863)
Photograph by Andrew J. Russell.
Library of Congress image.
Note – This image has been digitally adjusted for one or more of the following:
- fade correction,
- color, contrast, and/or saturation enhancement
- selected spot removal.

Lithograph by Middleton, Strobridge & Co. Lith. Cin. O.
“Battle of Jackson, Mississippi–Gallant charge of the 17th Iowa, 80th Ohio and 10th Missouri, supported by the first and third brigades of the seventh division / sketched by A.E. Mathews, 31st Reg., O.V.I.”
Library of Congress image.
On May 10, 1863, Private Clack is on picket or fortification duty near Big Black River in Mississippi, outside of the Vicksburg fortifications.
Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, with saber, pistol, and small book. half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case) Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012 Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Record page for image is here.
Note: This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal. Civil War Portrait 030

Wikipedia: “The 8th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. It was also known as the First German Rifles or Blenker’s Rifles.
“The regiment was organized in New York City and was mustered in for a two year enlistment on April 23, 1861.
“The regiment was mustered out of service on April 23, 1863. Men who chose to re-enlist were assigned to the 68th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment.”
Library of Congress: Artist – Alfred R. Waud; drawing on cream paper : pencil ; 13.8 x 9.1 cm. (sheet).
Library of Congress image.
Image has been digitally enhanced.

Private Jacob Harker of Company C, 120th Ohio Volunteers in uniform with musket and haversack; identification based on note inside case: Pvt. Jacob Harker, Co. C, 120th Ohio Vol. died May 1863 of diarrhea, N.O., La.
sixth-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 9.5 x 8.3 cm (case)
Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012
Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Record page for image is here.
Note – This image has been digitally adjusted for one or more of the following:
- fade correction,
- color, contrast, and/or saturation enhancement
- selected spot removal.
Civil War Portrait 032

Study of infantry soldier on guard–William J. Jackson, Sergt. Maj. 12th N.Y. Vols.–Sketched at Stoneman’s Switch, near Fredricksburg, Va. Jan. 27th, 1863.
Drawn by Edwin Forbes.
Library of Congress image.
Note: This image has been digitally adjusted for fade correction, color, contrast, and saturation enhancement and selected spot removal.

Unidentified woman with cased photograph of Private W.R. Clack Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, possibly Clack’s future wife, Sabria Caroline Newport Clack. They married after the war.
half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case)
Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012
Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Record page for image is here.
Note: This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.
Civil War Portrait 031

On May 10, 1863, Private Clack is on picket or fortification duty near Big Black River in Mississippi, outside of the Vicksburg fortifications.
Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, with saber, pistol, and small book.
half-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 15.7 x 12.7 cm (case)
Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012
Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Record page for image is here.
Note: This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.
Civil War Portrait 030

Sea Shore – Folly Island, S.C. May 1863
Artist – Alfred R. Waud; drawing on cream paper : pencil ; 6.7 x 19.0 cm. (sheet).
Inscribed lower right: Blockading fleet off Charleston.
Library of Congress image.
The only actual fighting to occur on Folly Island was on May 10th, 1863, when confederate forces attacked federal pickets on the left side of Little Folly Island. The fighting was light, as the confederate forces were conducting a reconnaissance mission, aimed mostly at gathering information and taking prisoners. (Source: An Educators Guide to Folly Island, South Carolina.)

Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant’s uniform with militia sword and revolver.
sixth-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 9.5 x 8.2 cm (case)
Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2012
Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
Record page for image is here.
Note: This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.
Civil War Portrait 029