Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Library of Congress


Repairing the Levee at New Orleans at the Expense of the United States Government.—sketched by an occasional correspondent.


WE publish on page 181 an illustration which represents the work of REPAIRING THE LEVEE AT NEW ORLEANS. Our picture shows a force of four or five hundred workmen, all Union men, employed by direction of the military authorities.

They are building new bulk-heads to protect this portion of the city front from the danger of inundation, threatened by the steady encroachments of the Mississippi, the current sweeping into the sharp curve with great velocity, gradually wearing away and undermining the levee. The new levee, the process of construction of which is shown in the sketch, is probably but temporary, as a new one will be erected against the new bulk-head when the flood has subsided sufficiently to permit it. The large Gothic building in the back-ground is in an unfinished condition. Built for charitable purposes from a fund bequeathed for that object by a citizen of New Orleans named Touro, from whom it derives its name, “Touro Building,” it is used at present as the head-quarters of the Fourth Louisiana Native Guard (colored), which regiment is in process of formation.


Published in Harper’s Weekly, March 21, 1863



Medium: 1 photograph : sixth-plate ambrotype, hand-colored ; 9.2 x 8.0 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2011

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.


Note:  This image has been digitally enhanced for fade correction, color enhancement and selected spot removal.

Civil War Portrait 024

Captain Theron E. Hall, A.Q.M


Captain Theron E. Hall, A.Q.M., Acquia Creek, Va., February 1863.

Photograph: February, 1863

Library of Congress image.

Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia (vicinity)]. Group at Captain W.S

Title: [Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia (vicinity)]. Group at Captain W.S. Hall’s wagon camp

Creator: Alexander Gardner, photographer

Date Created: 1863 Feb.

Library of Congress image.

Title: Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Group of Commissary clerks

Title: Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Group of Commissary clerks

Creator: Alexander Gardner, photographer

Date Created: 1863 Feb.

Library of Congress image.

Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. View of Federal supply depot from a distance

Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. View of Federal supply depot from a distance. (Click on image to view larger version.)

Photograph by Alexander Gardner.

Library of Congress image.

The Rappahannock looking towards Falmouth R.R

Title: The Rappahannock looking towards Falmouth R.R. Station

Artist: Alfred R. Waud.

Created: 1863 February

Library of Congress image.

February 19 Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va

Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va., February, 1863.

Library of Congress image.

February 18 - Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va

Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va., February, 1863.

Library of Congress image.

Fredericksburg, Va

View of Fredericksburg, Va., February 1863.

Library of Congress image.