Title: Aquia Creek Landing, Va. View of the Federal supply depot.
Photographer: Alexander Gardner
Created: 1863 February.
Library of Congress image.
Title: Aquia Creek Landing, Va. View of the Federal supply depot.
Photographer: Alexander Gardner
Created: 1863 February.
Library of Congress image.
(Click on image for larger version.)
Title: Breaking up the Camps, of the Army of the Potomac.
Artist: Arthur Lumley.
Created: 1863 February
Library of Congress image.
This photograph is by Alexander Gardner. “On February 5, 1863, Sedgwick was succeeded by Maj. Gen. William F. “Baldy” Smith, and on February 12 the corps was ordered to Newport News, where it encamped for a month.” [IX Corps (Union Army) – Wikipedia]
Library of Congress image.
Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Embarkation of 9th Army Corps for Fort Monroe; photograph is by Alexander Gardner. “On February 5, 1863, Sedgwick was succeeded by Maj. Gen. William F. “Baldy” Smith, and on February 12 the corps was ordered to Newport News, where it encamped for a month.” [IX Corps (Union Army) – Wikipedia]
Library of Congress image.
(click on image for larger version)
Title: Blacksmiths department Hd. qts. Army of the Potomac
Created: 1863 ca. February
Artist: A.R. Waud. (signed lower right)
Published in: Harper’s Weekly, April 18, 1863
Library of Congress image
Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Personnel in front of Quartermaster’s Office; photograph is by Alexander Gardner. The image above is cropped from the following larger photo. (Click on either image to view larger version.)
Library of Congress image.
Aquia Creek, Virginia. Group standing in front of hospital, photographed by by Alexander Gardner.
Library of Congress image.
Back of Card:
“Hard Tack.”
There is no necessity to tell the “boys” what this is; they all remember the old chorus of the old army song about “Hard Tack:”
“Many days we have crunched you until our jaws are sore,
Oh! “Soft Bread” come again once more.”
Stereograph showing Union Captain J. W. Forsyth, the Provost Marshall, sitting on a crate of hardtack, a cracker like bread served to soldiers, at Aquia Creek, Virginia. Crate says “50lbs. net. Army Bread from the Union Mechanic Baking Company, 45 Leonard St.”
Library of Congress image.
Three horse-drawn covered wagons in the foreground. Soldiers marching in formation between rows of small cabins and tents in the background.
Source: Stereograph from collection of William A. Pinkerton.
Copyright 1863 by Alexander Gardner.
Library of Congress image.
Closer inspection with cropped images show that the formations are facing towards the camera with a band or drum corps at the front.
The time of year is winter, as evidenced by the winter quarters shown in the image and the bare trees in the background.