Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Miscellaneous document sources

June 23, 1863 - Camp on Little River, Va. The march to Gettysburg

Camp on Little River, Va. – The March to Gettysburg; drawing by Edwin Forbes; June 23, 1863.

Library of Congress image.


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Harry, the innocent contraband

Harry, the innocent contraband.

Drawing by Edwin Forbes; June 22, 1863.

Library of Congress image.


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June 21st Explosion of a rebel limber at the battle near Middleburg

Explosion of a rebel limber at the battle near Middleburg June 21st, 1863; drawing by Alfred R. Waud; drawing on brown paper : pencil and Chinese white; 11.5 x 34.3 cm. (sheet).

Library of Congress image.


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June 21st Battle near Upperville. Ashbys Gap in Distance

Battle near Upperville. Ashbys Gap in Distance; June 21, 1863; drawing by Alfred R. Waud; drawing on brown paper : pencil and Chinese white ; 11.0 x 34.0 cm. (sheet)

Library of Congress image.


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Surrender!! (near Aldie Virginia, June 1863)


Sword-bearing cavalryman confronting soldier on foot near Aldie, Virginia;  drawing by Alfred R. Waud.

Library of Congress image.


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june 17 battle of aldiegroup_of_confederate_prisoners_fairfax_court-house_virginia._1863

Group of Confederate Prisoners. Fairfax Court-House, Virginia.
June, 1863; Photographed by Timothy H. O’Sullivan

These were a batch of rebel cavalrymen, captured in the battle of Aldie, by the troops under Gen. Pleasanton. The majority of them are dressed in the dusty grey jacket and trowsers, and drab felt hat usually worn by the rebel cavalry; some, however, show no change from the ordinary clothes of a civilian, being probably recruits or conscripts, although their appearance laid them open to the charge (often made during the war) of being irregulars, out for a day’s amusement, with their friends in the cavalry, as one might go off for a day’s shooting. The fight in which they were taken, was hotly contested, and took place at the foot of the upper end of the Bull Run range of hills, in Loudoun County, in and around the village of Aldie. The rebels were driven, and our cavalry left masters of the field—not without serious loss to our side, as well as to the enemy—a day or two after, Pleasanton attacked and drove them fifteen miles across the country, to the refuge of the Blue Ridge. Generals Buford and Gregg, ably leading their divisions in the fight.

The country around Aldie is very charming, very much diversified with hill, wood and valley, fine farms, pretty books—with stone bridges—and beyond all, the noble chain of the Blue Ridge, dividing Loudoun from the Shenandoah Valley.

Caption taken from original text, Plate 34, Vol. I, Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War (Washington: Philp & Solomons, 1865-66)

Cornell University Library page.

June 17 Battle of Aldie, prisoners


Confederate prisoners captured at cavalry fight at Aldie, Va., June, 1864; photo by Timothy H. O’Sullivan; June 17, 1863 (date wrong on LOC page)

USS Commodore Perry, a ferryboat converted to a gunboat, Pamunkey River, Virginia, USA – circa 1863.USS Commodore Perry, a ferryboat converted to a gunboat, Pamunkey River, Virginia, USA – circa 1863.

Commodore Perry — an armed, side-wheel ferry — was built in 1859 by Stack and Joyce, Williamsburg, New York; purchased by the Navy on 2 October 1861; and commissioned later in the month, Acting Master F. J. Thomas in command.

National Archives image.


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Camp and fort – Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes; circa 1863; U. S. National Archives image. (No other information provided)

Camp and fort – Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes; circa 1863; U. S. National Archives image. (No other information provided)

Confederate Earthworks, Belle Plain, Virginia, James Gardner Collection, photo by Timothy H. O’Sullivan (one of Brady’s photographers); Albumen silver print from glass negative; The Metropolitan Museum of Art image.

Five unidentified prisoners of war in Confederate uniforms in front of their barracks at Camp Douglas Prison, Chicago, IllinoisFive unidentified prisoners of war in Confederate uniforms in front of their barracks at Camp Douglas Prison, Chicago, Illinois.

photograph : quarter-plate tintype, hand-colored ; 11.9 x 9.4 cm (case)

Donated by Tom Liljenquist; 2011

Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs; Ambrotype/Tintype photograph filing series; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Record page for image is here.


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Civil War Portrait 0038