Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1863 – Sketched by Mr. Theodore Davis.
“Head-quarters of Major-General McPherson,
Commanding 17th Corps Army Tennessee,
Near Black River, May 17, 1863.
“The division of General Hovey being in advance, discovered the enemy in force, posted in excellent position upon the crest of a hill covered with forest and undergrowth. General Hovey deployed his division, that of General Logan forming upon his right. The line advanced, preceded by a heavy line of skirmishers, and was soon heavily engaged.
“The batteries of Captains Rogers and De Solyer opened with good effect. Captain Rogers’s battery, posted in a good but exposed position, was soon charged upon; the enemy being severely repulsed by three regiments of Gen. John E. Smith’s brigade and the guns of De Solyer’s battery.
“An attempt to check our advance and flank our right was observed by General McPherson, who sent the brigade of General Stevenson and two batteries to meet it. After a short and sharp engagement, the fight at this time being severe along the whole line, General Stevenson charged with his brigade, driving the enemy and capturing their battery. The mass of the rebel troops seemed now to have been thrown against our left, and General Hovey, being forced to retire, was at once supported by General Crocker, who sent from his division two regiments of Colonel Sandborne’s brigade, and the brigades of Colonels Boomer and Holmes. These troops held the rebels in check, and shortly advanced, driving the enemy, capturing 1600 prisoners and a battery.
“A general advance, now ordered by General Grant, who had been upon the field during the entire day, many times in exposed positions, found the enemy in full retreat toward Edwards’s Depot, General McPherson sending in pursuit General Stevenson’s brigade, with De Solyer’s battery, followed by General Carr’s division. In this retreat the rebels lost General Tighlman, killed by a shell.
“The enemy lost nearly two thousand prisoners and thirteen guns.”
published in Harper’s Weekly issue of June 20, 1863