Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Headquarters, R. R. Defenses, M. & C. R. R., Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 6, 1864.—I give you the name of my establishment. I think it quite showy. We have just located this afternoon. We have nice quarters. The Adjutant and I each have a large, carpeted, well furnished room, in the second story of a large mansion very pleasantly located. We have a kitchen in the back yard, where we are to eat and where old Minty, our cook, lives. Jerry, Johnny, and our clerk have pitched their tents just back of the house, and we have altogether the coziest headquarters you ever saw.
I expect communications will be opened to Nashville by tomorrow, via Stevenson. You will learn enough of Wheeler’s raid by the newspapers not to be surprised at getting no letters from me. Wheeler is west of us, and our troops are driving him toward the Muscle Shoals. General Steadman went through here today with a considerable force to join Rousseau and Granger.
There is quite a large force of guerrillas south of the railroad on my beat that I intend to drive out as soon as General Granger returns and I can get some cavalry.
Lieut. Graham was coming through with our wagon train, and camped last night four miles out of Woodville. I hear he was attacked in the night and that Company F, which had just reached Woodville, has gone out to help him. I do not know the result, but shall in a few hours.
Company F had a man shot and captured the night before they left the river. He was carrying dispatches, and is supposed to be mortally wounded. So you see we have war even here.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Huntsville, Ala., Sat., Sept. 3, 1864—I have been knocking about considerably since I wrote to you last. Wednesday I got an order to concentrate my end of the regiment, except one company, at Woodville. That evening I started out with E and H, went four miles. The next morning took G and got to Woodville at noon. Soon after I and D arrived. I supposed we were on an expedition after Wheeler or some of these raiders who are playing smash in our rear; but when I got there I found dispatches from General Granger ordering me to come here and take command of the railroad and all of the troops on it from here to Stevenson, together with all of the troops at this place.
I came down here last evening on the cars, and sent back a special train and brought down the men this morning. I found Colonel Chapman here with A and B. K is at Whitesburg and C at Claysville. F is on the road here. The Adjutant, Jerry, and a good many men with the ague are at Claysville. General Granger is up the railroad somewhere at a threatened point and I have not seen him. I have sent for the Adjutant and Jerry.
We are cut off from Nashville and I don’t know when you will get this lettter. Wheeler has been in there and cut the railroads. I will write just the same. I have just issued an order assuming my command. The General in his order gives me power to move troops wherever I think they are needed, and orders me to meet the enemy wherever they make their appearance and ‘Strike to scatter and destroy.’
We shall have rooms for the present in one of the largest houses in town, owned and occupied by an old widow, Mrs. Rice.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala., Tues., 2 a. m., Aug. 30,1864.—You will wonder why I am writing to you at this time in the morning. I will tell you. We had information that a large force of rebels was in our immediate front, on the other side of the river. I spent the whole day yesterday in preparing for an attack, which I confidently expected before long. Last evening Sergeant Moulton came up here from his station on the river and told me that he had information from the same source that this force received orders on Sunday to repair at once to Atlanta and that they all left for that place on that day and yesterday; that his informant saw the last piece of artillery leave; and, further, that the rebels had 13 pieces of artillery. I felt greatly relieved, and not having slept much the night before I congratulated myself on a good night’s sleep in prospect.
I had just sat down to write some dispatches to General Granger to send off in the morning, when I received a note from Lieut. Fish saying that a force had made its apperance on the other side of the river. This was about eight o’clock. I immediately went down to his camp and found that a force has really come into Guntersville, which is about three-fourths of a mile from the river. It was after dark and they could see nothing, but they could hear commands given. I am satisfied that the force is not large, and that it has no artillery; yet their presence made it necessary to use all precautions against a surprise or an attack, and that along my whole line, for their making their appearance here was no evidence that they would not strike at some other point should they attack us, but rather the contrary. So I came back here and have been engaged ever since in sending off orders and dispatches. I expect some gunboats down today from Bridgeport, and when they get here I shall feel easier.
Claysville, Ala., Tues. Eve., Aug. 30, 1864.—The rebel force has certainly left our front. There are two gunboats here tonight, and they will be constantly along our line hereafter. We have been in great peril, but I think the danger permanently passed. We shall have no serious trouble here now for some time, if at all.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala,, Sun., Aug. 29, 1864.—I have ridden fifteen miles today. I am now with Company C at our landing, waiting the return of a gunboat that passed down the river this morninig convoying a steamer loaded with supplies for the regiment.
There is undoubtedly quite a large rebel force on the other side of the river a few miles back in the country. I hear they intend to try to cross the river. I think the gunboats and the 13th together can prevent them from doing it, and if the gunboats are not here when they attempt it, the 13th will try to do it alone. The river is high now and they can only cross in boats, which I understand they are building for the purpose. It is quite possible that we shall have a brush with them, and if we do—there is so much solicitude felt about our ability to hold this line—you will hear all sorts of exaggerated reports from us through the papers before we can get any news to you. Pay no attention to these reports unless they are favorable; and if you hear direct from us, which will be as speedily as possible after anything of interest transpires, I will keep you posted as to our situation, as I always have done.
On Thursday last a party of rebels came opposite Law’s Landing and fired at Company G, stationed there. Lieut. Balis sent over a party of men soon after, who came up to the rear guard of the rebels and killed two of them. A woman wanted to cross there and our boys had promised to bring her over. She had gone down to call them across the river, when the rebels first made their appearance, secreting themselves so that our men could not see them, and insisted that she should call our boys over, in which case they could easily be captured or killed; but she absolutely refused to do so, and no entreaties or threats could shake her resolution. She sat down and told them that they might kill her as quick as they pleased, but she would not, even for the sake of her life, do so base an act. They then commenced firing. The party from Company G brought her back with them. I have not seen her. She is a Union woman and a heroine.
On Thursday night Captain Blake, who is located ten miles down the river, got information that a force was intending to cross that night near his post. I put the whole line in the best possible shape for defense and went to Deposit, where Company I is stationed. I was up nearly all night making arrangements to meet the attack, and in the morning went down to Captain Blake’s. No demonstration was made on us, however, and I returned to headquarters on Friday afternoon. While the enemy is in our immediate front I expect but little bodily or mental rest.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala, Tues., Aug. 23, 1864.—The rebels are on the other side of the river in some force, but they do not act at all threatening. They seem to be doing the same duty on that side of the river that we are doing on this side—that is, picketing the river and watching us. Thus far they have shown no disposition to get across, but of course I know nothing of their intentions. We, however, keep a strict watch on them. They appear to be in our front from here to Whitesburg.
The river is getting quite high and two gunboats passed down yesterday to Decatur. It is rather agreeable to have these fellows about when there is an enemy near us. It seems a little more like war to see an enemy occasionally, but I do not expect to have a fight with them unless I go over there after it, which I may do when I ascertain more about their position and strength. However, I shall take no unnecessary risks.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Aug. 20, 1864.—The Adjutant has just returned from an inspection tour down the line. There is a rebel force on the other side of the river, as near as I can learn. About a regiment recently came in there. I suppose they are going to picket that side of the river and try to keep us on our side. Five of Company A men were captured across the river on Thursday, near the mouth of Flint river, twenty miles below. They were over there and were decoyed away from the river, surrounded and captured—no one hurt.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala., Thursday, Aug. 18, 1864.—Everything is quiet here. Occasionally a scouting party of rebels make their appearance on the other side of the river and fire across at our pickets, but they do not stay long. Yesterday this occurred opposite Company C. They are careful to keep the river between them and us. There are guerillas in the mountains on this side, but they never come on our beat. These fellows always give cavalry a wide berth, but they sometimes pitch into infantry.
A great many deserters, contrabands and refugees come to us from the other side. We send them North. Some of the deserters enlist in our regiment. They tell the same story of despondency, destitution, and a growing Union sentiment in the South. Lieut. Murray is very sick at Huntsville. Fears are entertained that he will not recover.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala., Thurs., Aug. 11, 1864.—I have just got back from my trip, tired but well. I stayed three nights at Huntsville, one at Whitesburg with Colonel Chapman, and last night with Company G at Law’s Landing. I saw Captain Woodman, Captain Norcross, Dr. Smith, Lieutenants Brown, Wemple, Dutton and Murray, who is sick in Huntsville.
I suppose there is a good deal of squirming about the coming draft, and I really sympathize with many of those who will be drawn, for I know from the experience of these long, weary, anxious years what a terrible thing it is to be separated from wife, children and home, and to be surrounded by peril, suffering and death for so long a time; yet I do not know that it is any harder for them than it is for those who are already in the service. Besides, this draft is only for a year. Efforts are being made to get negroes here to fill the quotas of some localities, but without much success. The soldiers are strongly opposed to it and throw every obstacle in the way of the recruiting agents.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Decatur, Ala., Sun., Aug. 7, 1864.—I am on an expedition. I left Claysville yesterday morning, reached Huntsville last night, and came here this morning. I rode part of the way to Woodville in an ambulance and part of the way on horseback. My trip is doing me lots of good. Captain Hart is with me.
The 32d Wisconsin (Colonel Howe’s regiment), which has been here several months, left two or three days since for the front . Colonel Howe has resigned. I have been here with General Granger all the morning. He told me that our brigade, before we came down here, was ordered to the front and the order was countermanded. There seems to be no prospect now of our moving anywhere very soon. I go back to Huntsville tonight and shall probably go to Whitesburg (10 miles) tomorrow. I thought some of going to Nashville, but found I could transact all my business here and was glad to get rid of the trip.
Colonel Lyon’s Letters.
Claysville, Ala., Wed., July 27, 1864.—I rode over to Fort Deposit (Co. I) after writing to you Saturday. Returned here Sunday night. I had a visit from Colonel Anderson, 11th Indiana Cavalry, who is chasing and killing guerillas out towards Huntsville. He used to preach in Chicago and latterly in Michigan City. I think he is one of the roughest men I have met lately; but he is talented and brave. I rode over to Deposit with him on Monday morning, and returnd the same day. Was accompanied by an ex-Captain of the 18th Michigan, who has been here a week buying cotton. His name is Stevens. He resigned and turned speculator.
We heard of a small force on the other side of the river, and on Sunday night I let Captain Kingman have over 100 men to go over to try to get them. The gang got away, however. Everything is quiet now on both sides of the river. The people on the south side are anxiously inquiring what they shall do to be saved.
Kingman’s advance guard had a skirmish with a lot of rebels near a house where they had been getting breakfast, the owner belonging to the gang. The Captain burned the house, very properly. We send all dissatisfied or dangerous persons across the river. I tell them that I would rather fight them than watch them.
The regiment keeps very healthy, except Company K, at Whitesburg. That company has from 20 to 30 sick in it. I intend to go there and to Decatur within a few days.
Lieut. Parker commands Company E. Captain Hewitt is Assistant Ordnance Officer with Captain Townsend. Captain Kummel has the same position at Chattanooga on General Thomas’ staff. Captain Noyes is on a Court-Martial at Nashville.