Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Reminiscences of the Civil War, William and Adelia Lyon

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

March 26, 1865.—Went through Chattanooga and the mountains today. Saw Lookout Mountain, where General Hooker fought and bled above the clouds. The scenery here is very grand. We saw Mission Ridge also. The city is built in the valley near Lookout Mountain. We had our dinner here. The boys built fires and made coffee in a few minutes. We had hard tack and coffee and a little cold meat.

Near Loudon we were going through a ledge of rocks that extends out over the Tennessee river, when an axle broke and two or three of the cars were wrecked. They were smashed into pieces as small as kindling wood. The engine and tender, and I think some baggage cars, went through this ledge of rocks all right. The cars loaded with supplies were broken up the most. A car that the mules were in stood on one end and the poor animals were jammed into the lower end of the car. The regiment were riding on the top of the cars, and when they saw there was something the matter they turned the brakes and ran to both ends of the train and there was not a man hurt. Their thoughtfulness in turning the brakes saved the rest of the train. The caboose that we were in just hung over the river. It was a miraculous escape. They thought that some of the mules would be dead, but they chopped the car open as soon as they could, to get them out. As they got them out they would shake themselves and walk off. Some limped, but none were killed. We went back to Loudon and stayed until the track was repaired.

March 25, 1865.—We started this morning at nine o’clock. The train ran off the track six miles out and had to stay there seven hours. I saw the hills on which the rebels had guns planted and often fired at the trains, especially if they were transporting soldiers. We arrived at Stevenson safely.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.


Huntsville, March 24, 1865.—William and I went to see the city. It is a beautiful city, the pride of the South. It is beautifully situated. There are a great many very handsome homes here, and every appearance of luxurious living. The colored quarters are all separate from the main house. A great many residents have left their homes and left their houses filled with furniture, carpets and everything, just as they were living here. William has taken the Academy again for a hospital. The citizens do not like it, but there seems to be no other place. We have orders to start for East Tennessee in the morning.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

March 22, 1865.—There is a railroad as far as Knoxville, and William wishes me to go with him; and if the regiment should be ordered farther, I can return from there at any time; and since I am here he wants me to see all of the South that I can. The band came last night and serenaded us. They play beautifully now. They have improved very much. They always come and serenade me as soon as they know I have come to camp.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

Huntsville, March 21, 1865.—We arrived here safely, notwithstanding all the dangers we have escaped. Whenever we would get sleepy, some of the officers would tell of some escape or of the trains being fired into. Ours was a wild train and would not be expected; therefore the General thought it was in no danger of being fired into. When we reached here a beautiful barouche met them at the cars. The General kindly invited me to ride with them, and Minerva rode with the driver. He took the ladies to the hotel and then took us to William’s headquarters. I went in and found Mrs. Moulton. William had gone down town.

We reached here about nine o’clock in the morning. They did not expect William back until dinner, so I had a good rest before he got here. When he got back he came up to the room, not expecting to see any one, and was very much surprised to find me here. The first thing he said was, “I have just written for you not to come here. We are ordered away and go in a day or two.” But he forgave me, however, for coming. Mrs. Moulton said she would not have been more pleased to see her own sister than to see me.

Jerry also had a great surprise. Mrs. Moulton sent him for something into another room where Minerva was sitting. We were on hand to hear what he would say, and when he saw her he stood perfectly still with his mouth wide open and his big eyes bunged out, staring at her. She said, “Why, Jerry! Ain’t you glad to see me?” He said, “Sartain, sure, I thought it was your ghost until you spoke.”

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

March 20, 1865.—I started for Huntsville with Minerva at 2 p. m. Mrs. Granger and her sister were with the General. I had met him before. I found both ladies very agreeable. We had quite a jolly night of it. Our sleeper was a caboose, and our easy chairs were cracker boxes. There were two chairs in the car, which we occupied alternately. Of course, we had to do something to keep awake, as we could not lie down. I thought the General’s special car would have a few more conveniences. He apologized for the accommodations, but I was glad enough to go if the accommodations were poor. The road was very rough. It has not been balasted since it was repaired, and this is the first train that has been over it.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

Sunday, March 19, 1865.—Ira Dutton came up this morning from Huntsville, but did not know that we were here. He told me that our regiment is assigned to the 4th Army Corps and is ordered to Knoxville. They would have started today but there was no regiment to take their place. I shall go on to Huntsville, and if they will take me will go on to Knoxville with them. If I can go I can see more of the country than I expected to.

Now I have had some more good luck. Ira just brought General Granger aide-de-camp and introduced him to me. He tells me that General Granger and wife are going this afternoon to Huntsville on a special train. Major Bigney told him that I wanted to go to Huntsville. After making a short call he left, but soon returned with a note from General Granger inviting me to accompany them this afternoon. I very gladly accepted the invitation. The railroad is now repaired from here to Stevenson, and by going with them I shall go through without waiting at Stevenson, as I had expected to do. Ira asked me if he should send a telegram to the Colonel, but I told him no, that I wanted to surprise him.

Colonel Lyon’s Letters.


March 19, 1865.—I was awakened about ten o’clock last night by one of the boys, who told me I had a telegram from home but there was no bad news in it. It was from Janesville, announcing my nomination as Circuit Judge. I am entirely in the dark about the position of affairs there, but if matters are as I suppose I see no earthly chance for my election. I concluded, however, that a defeat would not hurt me much and so accepted the nomination. It is tantalizing to be a candidate for so important a place and know nothing of your position or prospects. The time is so short between the nomination and the date of election that I shall probably lose most of the army vote. I shall not be unhappy about it if I am defeated, and you must not be.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

March 18, 1865.—I am very tired, for I have not slept much on the boat. I have had no trouble, have not needed any passes, nor has it cost me anything yet excepting porter’s fees. At Smithland we changed boats. Here we took the Cumberland river. We went on the Superior, whose business it is to transfer troops. The 44th Wisconsin was on this steamer. I was the only woman (except Minerva) on the steamer, and felt considerably out of place.

As soon as we reached Nashville I went to a hotel, ordered a room and went to bed. I wrapped myself in my shawl and got into the dirty sheets. There was so much noise in the house that I could not get to sleep until late. I then heard a mouse nibbling at my lunch, which was on the table at the head of the bed. Then the bugs would bite me. I would get almost asleep, when the mouse would nibble again, and so on until morning.

Mrs. Lyon’s Diary.

March 17, 1865.—The boat was tied up again last night. We have gone very slowly today, for we go against a strong tide. We arrived at Nashville after dark.