Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Robert M. Magill—Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy, 39th Georgia Regiment of Infantry

Monday, 24th.—15th Company F, sent on picket two hours before day. 8 A. M., still in line of battle on Chattanooga Creek; heavy cannonading about the point of the mountain. 12 M., very heavy cannonading on point; 1 P. M., heavy skirmishing on the mountain. 1:15 P. M., Federals charged mountain; came over the mountain, down under the point, across a field, in plain view of us; went up to works; our forces have fallen back a little. 2 P. M. Fog has risen so we can see the battle; 3 P. M., firing rather slow; 3:15 P. M., battle raging with renewed vigor. Yanks have our works, but seem as though they can’t go farther. 4 P. M., battle still raging; 4:30 P. M., reported Walthal’s Brigade pretty badly cut up, there being no other troops on the mountain; 5 P. M., battle continues unabated. Yanks falling back a little. Rebs re-inforced with Lee’s Brigade, Alabamians; 6 P. M., raining; 11 P. M., firing ceased. The general opinion is that Lookout Mountain is taken.

Sunday, 23d.—Made first fire in chimney; oven on to bake bread. Just after dress parade, long roll beat; regiment formed and moved off rapidly; left our oven on the fire and all our knapsacks. (Never saw them again.) Heavy cannonading; Federals advancing on our right. Moved down and took position after dark in ditches across Chattanooga Valley.

Saturday, 22d.—Detailed at daylight; sent to work another section. Finished in two hours. Clear, cold and windy. Built chimney to our house.

Friday, 21st.—Rained hard all night and this morning. Had to work another section in mud and rain. Regiment returned to other details, to work on ditches, doing rapid work.

Thursday, 20th.—On detail digging ditches; reported Federals on mountain, ten miles below; regiment gone down that way; five miles out last account; making us work very hard; worked two sections.

Wednesday, 19th.—Building shanty to-day.

Tuesday, 18th.—In direction of Trenton. 2 P. M., went down the mountain, but turned back soon as we got down; back at camp, 10 P. M.

Monday, 17th.—Drew three days’ rations. Started on scout with two brigades. At Nickajack at sundown; cleaning blockade out of Gap. 12 M., about a dozen cannons fired.

Sunday, 16th.—Colonel told us this would probably be our camp for some time, and that we had better build winter quarters.

Saturday, 15th.—Went on picket one mile; not getting much rations.