Friday 11th
Fine pleasant day. The Event here has been the passage of the Bill by the House abolishing Slavery in the District of Columbia. It had passed the Senate. No particular War news today. I was down to the Hotels. They are all full and quite a crowd at Willards. Went to the “Festival” to call for Julia about 10, staid an hour, it is the last night. We got home about 111/2 o’clock. The nights are now bright and beautiful.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Thursday 10th
The weather is more settled today. Nothing in particular has occured. We are getting more of the particulars of the great Battle at Pittsburgh Landing, it was the most desperate fight of the War so far. There is nothing from Yorktown, to which all eyes are now turned. Both parties are in great force there. There must be another desperate encounter there. Our troops are flushed with Victory. The rebels are desperate.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Wednesday April 9th 1862
It has stormed all day, rain, sleet and snow falling incessantly. News today of a great Battle West. Beauregard defeated and Island No 10 taken with all the land Batteries. Our armies everywhere victorious, more prisoners, guns, and munitions than our troops know what to do with. The City is in wild excitement over the news. A Salute of 100 guns ordered by the Sec’y of War. The great “Anaconda” is drawing in his coils tighter and tighter around the rebels. They have behaved most cowardly in every instance where they did not have the advantage in numbers or position. The proud “Southerners” had better strike the word chivalry from their vocabulary. I think they are a race of bombaster cowards and events are proveing it every day. We have had one Bull Run. They have a “Bully Run” every time they meet our troops.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Tuesday 8th
This has been a most dismal day, rain or Sleet has been falling all the time. I am all the time thinking of the Thousands of Soldiers who are now out in the storm without tents or shelter. Such must be the condition of Genl McDowells Division, which has advanced into Virginia on their way to Richmond leaving their tents behind, and also those who are now besieging Yorktown. The news tonight is that Island No 10 and the Shore Batteries have been surrendered to our troops. We shall get particulars tomorrow, probably. Genl McClellan is having a desperate time of it at Yorktown. The Rebels under McGruder are, it is said, Thirty thousand strong, but they must capitulate or run and run they cannot very easily. We are expecting news of a great battle at or near Corinth every day betwen Halleck and Beauregard. Each have over a hundred thousand men. It will be the great Battle of the war I think. Nothing has been heard from the Merrimac as yet.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Monday April 7 1862
Rain last night and mud this morning. In the office as usual. A fire broke out this morning on the corner of the Ave & 7th Street, it has been burning most of the day. Six stores and one Hotel were destroyed before three o’clock. Willie came down to the office before three to go home with me. I took him down to see the fire, he was some frightened at the noise and confusion. It has snowed most of the day and no wind so the fire did not burn very rapidly. All the engines were there, but the efficiency of the fire department was not much. Went down to the “National” to meet some gentlemen with S Seely of NY to examine Models & Drawings in reference to Iron covering for Ships of War. Staid till 1/2 past 10. We had the corrigated Iron in question. We think that there must be “something up” down the River as since 9 o’clock two messengers have called at our door with Dispatches for Comodore Smith from the War Department, perhaps the “Merrimac” is out again.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Sunday 6th
A delightful morning. Hearing that the “27th” were soon to move, I crossed the River to Alexandria and walked out to their Camp. But to my surprise found the Camp vacated. The Regt left on Friday. Lieut Gaul was left in charge of some Stores but he expects to leave tomorrow. The Regt went by RR to Warrenton junction and are on the Way to Richmond. God Speed them. A deserted camp is about the most desolate place imaginable. The tents were all standing but all was still and lonely where so lately all was life and motion. I got back to Washington about 5 o’clock. The Steam Boat was crowded both ways. The country over there looks desolate enough. “Poor Virginia” “put back half a century.”
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Saturday April 5th 1862
Nothing has occured today worthy of notice. Everyone is looking anxiously for news from three or four different points. From “Buels Army” & Com Foote Ten; from McClellan who is now at Fortress Monroe with a large Army, 130,000; from Genl Burnside in N. Car[o]lina; and from New Orleans & Savannah. A delegation from the North is here holding a sort of Caucus attempting to galvanize the old Democratic Party into life. It moves at the suggestion of old Breckinridge supporters, which gives the matter a bad odor. It will not do to talk of Party till this Rebellion is crushed.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Friday April 4th 1862
A delightful day. Quite still times here now since the soldiers left, but there are still soldiers in every direction, but the great Mass have left. 130,000 have gone down to Fortress Monroe. A large army is out in Virginia and a number of Regts are in the Forts over the River. I think there is but one full Regt now quartered in the City, the 91st Pa on Franklin Square. Julia and the boys attended the Festival this evening. The Lion of the evening was Lieut Morris of the “Cumberland.” Julia had a long chat with him. The little boys were interested and shook hands with him and came home quite elated. I was at the “National” with S D Moody most of the evening. No particular news.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Thursday 3d
Today obtained and sent the Photographs to Thos [Bourne?]. They were finished while I was in the Gallery. I sent them by Adams Express. I was in the “National,” saw a number of my friends there. Went to the Festival with wife & Julia, staid till near 11. They had a Negro Band, four or five. It seemed like a Ball but there was no dancing. The place abounded [in] awkward men & Homely women the latter teasing for ones money.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.
Wednesday April 2nd
There is a great dearth of news here now, but a great looking for of great events about this time, but few soldiers are here now compared with what there has been. The forts over the River are all maned and probably 50,000 men besides. There must now be about 200,000 tending towards Richmond now in Virginia. Fortress Monroe seems to be the great rendezvous. I expect it will be Norfolk first, and then Richmond. “Bud” has had a fever all day and we fear he is going to have chill fever. All the rest of us are quite well. Wife rcd letters today from Mrs Brownson (Lyons) and from Bd Hamton. Geo S Griswold of Lyons called upon me at the office. He is Lieut in the 2nd Regt NY Artillery stationed at Fort Ward over the R.
The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.