Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Saturday Jany 11th 1862

Warm pleasant day with muddy crossings. The public mind is now on “tiptoe” to learn news in reference to the two great expeditions, Genl Burnsides which left Annapolis yesterday, and Genl Grants Ironclad Gun Boat Expedition which left Cairo the same day for the south. It is thought that these concerted blows will fall with crushing force when they strike. It is understood that near 80,000 Men move with Genl Grant and some 40,000 with Genl Burnside, both armed and prepared to perfection. No particular news in the City. A woman was killed today on the Ave by her carriage coming in contact with a runaway Govt team, it was a Mrs Sweeny. The young “Lincons” were here to dinner. Our three boys went home with them, and at 5 o’clock took another dinner with the president and his family. Mrs L. sent a servant to call them while they were at play. They sent word that they had been to dinner at home. She sent again, the servt saying “The Madam says you must come with her boys.” They got home about 7.– The Boys are having a nice time on top of the White House. The Roof is copper, flat & with a high stone Ballistrade all round. They have built a cabin there which they call the “Ship of State” or rather the Qutar desk [Quarter deck]. They have a Spy Glass and report all strange sails on the River and objects on the Virginia Shore. They say that Mr Lincoln is Comodore. The Cabinet are officers but they sail “the Ship of State.” I went down to the P.O., got the NY papers, called upon Chas & Sallie. Got home about 8, did not get to bed till 11, raining a little.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Friday Jan’y 10th 1862

This has been a warm foggy day, streets very mudy. Nothing new in the City worthy of notice. The Burnside Expedition has left Annapolis for Old Point, its destination not yet publicly known. But it is Expected that it will go up some of the Rivers into Virginia. Success attend the gallant General Burnside. I became acquainted with him when he first came on with the 1st R.I. Regt in June last. I have been in the office all day writing Bounty land Patent Deeds. That is my business most of the time in the Land office. Have spent the evening at home. Always find something to do about the house or for the boys if I am not reading or writing letters or something else. Julia is quite unwell tonight from a bad cold. She is taking hot tea to make [her] perspire, hope it is nothing worse than a cold.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Thursday Jan’y 9th 1862

In the office as usual. It rained most of last night. Warm today, very foggy tonight. I have spent the evening at home. The boys read, write, spell & cypher and “Bud” gets a Latin lesson every day. There is a good deal of sickness in the City and many deaths at the Military Hospitals daily. Julia was vaccinated today by Doct Gibbons for Kine pox. The small pox is very prevalent. No War news today. Everything quiet. Congress seems to be doing but little. The Republican Party is split betwen the Abolitionists and the Conservatives. The latter support the measures of Mr Lincoln, which is to save the Union, crush the rebellion, and let Slavery take care of itself.

The Douglass Democrats support Mr Lincolns policy also. He has in fact the strength of the Country with him.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Wednesday, 8th 1862

Aniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, another Battle is expected there soon. No particular news today. Our boys were at Genl McClellans House today with the Lincoln boys. The Genl was out riding, his health is nearly restored. There is a good deal of alarm in the City on account of the prevalence of the Small pox. There are cases of it in almost every Street in the City. There is said to be over 400 cases in private families. The City authorities have as yet taken no notice of it in any official way. We are getting vaccinated again. I have spent the evening at home hearing the boys recite their lessons. The Mercury was down to 14 this morning, but it thawed in the middle of the day and tonight it rains. It is 9 o’clock. The boys have gone to bed. Julia is over to Mr Hartlys. I must go after her soon. Our family room has a good coal Stove and the fire does not go out all night, it is always warm and comfortable. We burn wood in the cooking Stove (oak at $10.00 pr cord), hard coal is but $8.50. Went to Mr Hartlys for Julia. Mr Greenleaf was there. I staid an hour in pleasant conversation.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Tuesday Jan’y 7th/62

Not so cold today. The snow mostly off, it was only about 2 inches deep. Took my best black coat to the Tailors to get it renovated. Levee at the Prests tonight, “Bud” & Holly went. The[y] were with the Lincoln boys all the evening and had a rare time. Ed Dickerson was here and spent an hour or two. He stays in the City most of the time. I was down to Willards, great crowd (mostly strangers). Called at Charless Room on my return. Bed at 11.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Monday Jan’y 6th 1862

Got up this morning before 5 o’clock and went down to the “National” with Col Merrick. Got there too late for the Omnibus and he had to take a Hack to get there in time for the cars. “Mel” Goodrich called at the House and at my office today. He has recently been promoted and is now Ajutant of the 27th & ranks as 1st Lieutenant. The officers all seem to have the idea that there is to be a Move forward soon. There has been an ominous stillness and inactivity in the army for some time. The immense preparations on all sides of the rebellious States are about ready and complete. Winter Quarters are not thought of and the blows will soon fall fast and heavy upon the head of the Rebels. I think that Genl Burnside will open the “Ball” within a week. Tonight Willie & I had quite a job getting in wood and coal, the other Boys were up to the Presidents. Willie thought he had earned a “levy” which I paid him. The boys did not return till after dark. They dined with the President and family, Mr & Mrs Lincoln and their two boys. Their “two boys” dined with us about every day during the Holidays. Willie goes there sometimes. Col Merrick thought it quite a rarity to dine with the Presidents Boys at our table. They are two nice well behaved lads, and we make no fuss over them and let them have the “run of the House” with our boys in all their play.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Sunday Jany 5th

The coldest morning yet. M. down to 14. The Col is getting homesick, says he must take the cars in the morning. I did not go out today, family all went to Church. I staid at home with the Col. — It snows some tonight. The cars go at 6 o’clock. The Col wishes me to go to the cars with him, not a very pleasant performance in the snow before daylight. But a carriage would be too expensive for the Col. He has been with us (sick) ten days and we have done the best we could by him.



The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Saturday Jany 4th 1862

Nothing in particular has occured today. The morning was the coldest yet this winter. M. stood 23. At [sic] little sleet in the night with a little snow. The ground was nearly covered, it has been quite wintry. Lieut Swan called just before dark and staid about an hour. Col Merrick was out and Swan did not see him. I went with Swan dow[n] to “Willards,” Quarter Master Hamilton was there waiting for him. Col Bartlett of the 27th was also there on his return from home after a severe fit of sickness, invited him up to spend Sunday with me. The Hotel was quite full, saw some officers of the “Buck Tail” Regt (P.A.) who were in the Drainsville fight. The Capt I saw gave quite a graphic description of that brilliant affair. The Burnside Expedition is now about ready to leave Annapolis and the public is on the “qui vive” to know its destination. Much is expected from it. I came home, went to market and then called down to Mr Hartlys fro [sic] Julia who had been spending the evening there, to bed at 11 o’clock.



The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Friday January 3rd

Went to the office as usual. About 1/2 past 11 o’clock went with Col Mirrick to the War Department. On our way we passed through the Treasury to the “White House,” went into the East Room and about the House some. At the War Department we found a great crowd, dispatches comeing in and going out all the time. Officers with shoulder straps with Bars and the leaf and with Eagles and with Stars, hurrying to and fro. Many anxious ones waiting for an interview with the Sec’y, lame and sick looking soldiers waiting for their discharge papers to be made out. The Col had business getting the discharge of a soldier from Rose Wayne Co. The officials were obliging and the application was successful. Ed Dickinson called and staid an hour.



The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.

Jany 2nd 1862

It has been cooler today but not freezing until night, high wind last night which changed before morning. In the office today. Nothing new stirring. The presidents sons here again to dinner with our boys who went home with them and did not return till near 9 o’clock. The boys have a show at the White House, Magic Lantern &c. The President usualy looks in. They say they send him a free ticket!! Mr & Mrs Lincoln take particular notice of our boys. They have dined with the President on two or three occasions. They have the “run” of the “White House.” Col Merrick and I went down to Willards this evening, the first time he has been out. Saw Genl McDowell and some other notables, came home before 7 o’clk. Mis Lowry called and spent an hour. The Col and I took a litle hot whiskey about 9 and the Col retired. 11 o’clock now, I am to bed too.



The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of Congress.