Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.


Went to ch this morning with whole family, some soldiers in the congregation in uniform. Cool day, wore my cloak. Chas was up to dine with us. Doct Eddy called in the afternoon with Mr Cramer. He is on a visit to the City, staid an hour or two. Went down to Willards, saw A B Williams, Mr Pomeroy, the new M.C. from our district, and other gentlemen at his room. On my return home, got challenged by the Sentinel at Franklin Square. I did not understand that he was talking to me as it was dark, until he cried Stand, and cocked his Musket. I was very near the point of his Bayonet then, but backed down and went another way home.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1861.

Rain all the first part of the day. Soldiers still drilling in the Halls. Our ears are constantly saluted with the word of command and and [sic] the clangor of arms on the marble floors. Went on to the Ave after dinner with wife and Juliet. Soldiers and citizens crowded that prominade about equaly divided in numbers. In the streets Regiments were paraded. We saw 2200 march into the Treasury. At the Pat office the RI Regt were paraded and reviewed by Gov Sprague. On Louisiana Ave another Regt were paraded. Went down to Willards in the evening. Not much of a crowd. Mostly soldiers.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Rainy day, cold and chilly. In the Pat office the troops have been drilling in all the Halls. The RI Marine Battery, 6 [Janus?] rifled cannon, 150 men, 90 Horses, &c have arrived. They marched through PA Ave to the Prests with their guns and attracted much attention. There is not much doing in the office at present. I have plenty of time to read and write letters. But there is so much excitement that it is almost impossible to fix ones mind upon any one subject long at a time.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Cold today, fire comfortable. M. down to 40. A fine flag was raised on the Pat office today at noon. The RI Regt paraded with Gov Sprague at the head on 7th St. The 7 NY Regt went into camp up 14th St. near Collumbia College. Regiments are now drilling and parading in the streets every day. I was at Willards tonight when the NY Zuaves Col Ellsworth Regt marched up the “Ave” to the War department, eleven hundred strong, and every man with a Sharps Rifle on his shoulder. Signed a petition for Mr Wood of NY to be Comr of public Buildings. Conversed an hour with Prof Heidrick. Went “Maying” with wife & Julia after dinner.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


A cold windy day with some rain, as unpleasant a “May day” as could well be. Have been in the office all day as usual surrounded by a crowd of soldiers when out of my room. Have a new 2nd Assistant, have today been “breaking him in.” His name is C H Upton of V.A. The 12th NY Regt are now building barracks on Franklin Square near house where they are to be stationed. The troops keep coming and will continue to come I suppose until we have forty or fifty thousand here. There was a mail from the North this morning, the first in 12 days. Did not go from Home after dinner, to bed early.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Prest Lincoln was at the Pat office today to see the troops in their quarters. Gov Seward was with him. Julia presented a fine Boquet of flowers to Gov Sprague at his quarters in the Pat office. The office is a greater novelty now than ever before but the soldiers are very orderly and inteligent. There is not much work done now by the examrs. There is so much confusion. Troops continue to arrive in the City by the thousands every day. Regiments are constantly on parade. Wrote to Bro C R today.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


This has been a pleasant day and quite an exciting one on account of the movements of the Military. The bal. of the RI Regt came today and the whole were reviewed by the Prest, Genl Scott, and the Cabinet officers. Myself and wife, Julia and Willie, were in the East Room. The boys were with the two Lincoln boys riding until the review was nearly over. Self & Julia were introduced to Gov Sprague, Col Burnside, and other officers of the RI Regt by Surgeon Genl Wheaton at the Pat office. Came home about dark from Willards, some weary.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1861.

Rainy all the forepart of the day. Attended church with wife and the boys. Went and returned in the rain. Mr [Haws?] of Lyons [Iowa?] returned with us and dined with us. Chas also dined with us. Did not go out again till evening. Went down to Willards with Willie for a walk. The Band of the 7th Regt were performing at Willards Hall the National airs. More soldiers came today. We feel entirely safe from attack now from without. Famine may attack us within. Beef 20 cts. pr pound now and all provisions much advanced in price.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


Another fine day, rather warm. Troops from the North are pouring fast now. There is now here about eighteen thousand men under arms. All the Public Buildings are swarming like Beehives with soldiers, in fact the City is like a great camp, and not half are here yet. Got letter from Frank dated Fort Kearney. Went down to the Ave after dinner, saw two thousand troops pass, who got in today. Pres Lincolns two boys were here today to see mine. Juliet was at the Pres. Got fine Boquet from the garden.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.


This has been a fine day and one of much excitement in the City. I was at the Pat office as usual when I heard Martial Music and immediately the Rhode Island Regiment with Gov Sprague at their head marched in at the East Wing and up into the large Hall as their quarters. About 2000 have arrived today, and a large number are expected tomorrow. Was at “Willards” tonight, a great crowd. Saw the first trophy of the war — a Secession flag taken over at Arlington in V.a. without any opposition. It is now near 11 o’clock.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.