Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch.

May 16, 2014

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol's.

May 16th. Last night we fell back to Mount Jackson, when orders were given to fall back, or to continue the march. I am about worn out for the want of sleep and rest. This is war and the life of a soldier. With all our troubles it continues to rain very hard and the mud is deep. Hard work to keep on the march. We surely are suffering for our country. Reverses will come, we cannot help it. We try to do our duty. I am so tired and worn out that I fell asleep on the march last night. This may seem almost incredible. These are true facts that I am writing.

After a continuous march we reached the town of Strasburg late this afternoon. Passed through the town, wading Cedar Creek, going into camp on the north side, close to the creek. As soon as we halted, dropped down on the ground and fell asleep, so tired and worn out. Thankful for the privilege. The ground for a bed and the sky for a covering. We are now thirty miles from yesterday’s scenes. Our scouts brought in a bushwhacker, a tough looking specimen of humanity. Not much mercy is shown to them.

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