July 3d. No boats showed up last night. This morning finds us still waiting at Camp Piatt. Yesterday’s march was a hard one. We are resting while waiting. Up and down hill over these old stony roads makes a fellow tired and used up. At noon two boats arrived. They had large stern wheels and flat bottoms. The first I ever saw. About two o’clock we marched on board and were soon under way, leaving Camp Piatt, sailing on down the Kanawah. Weather fine and we were enjoying the trip. A pleasant change. Scenery grand on the river through this mountainous country. Salt, iron, coal, in these mountains along each side of the river. The boats are going very slow down the river. We are in no hurry. We make good use of the time, eating and sleeping whenever we feel like it. Night coming on, reported we will tie up for the night and start by daylight tomorrow morning.

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch.
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