June 26th. A bright Sunday morning. Everybody happy. Our last day in camp at Martinsburg, the Shenandoah Valley, where we have seen and passed through hard service during the past three years. As the time draws near we are anxious to go home, but there is somewhat of a feeling of sadness on leaving old Martinsburg, where we have made many friends. Our camp is about deserted. A few men remain on guard in charge of the camp. Some of the boys are in town visiting, and attending church. Others are tramping through the country, bidding good-bye to the farmers and taking a look at the fine scenery and country. We must all report back to camp in time for our last dress parade, at 5 P. M. At our dress parade was a large attendance of people from town. A short religious service was held by our Chaplain, Rev. Wm. C. Walker. It was made somewhat solemn by the good man, as the journey home was laid before us. Orders were also read to be ready to leave camp early on the morrow, at 5 A. M. This is a happy evening in camp. Singing all through the camp.

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch.
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