August 24th. Sunday. It was after eight o’clock last night before the train got under way. At midnight we passed through Harrisburg, Penn. The night very dark. Did not get much sleep. A slow, tiresome journey. Passed through York, on over the state line into Maryland. Soldiers are on guard along the railroad. The train moved along very slowly, making many stops. About noon-time arrived in Baltimore. The regiment soon formed in line and marched through the city, stopping at the Soldier’s Rest on Camden Street, where dinner was served, bread, salt-beef, and coffee. Then waited for transportation to Washington. Late in the day orders were received to report at Fort McHenry for duty, and relieve the 48th New York Regiment. A march of four miles. That put our regiment in the 8th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, General John E. Wool, Commander, Brigadier N. W. Morris, commanding the fort.

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch
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