Irwinton, November 24, 1864.
Made 12 miles to-day over a rolling but well settled country. This is a nice little 700 county town. I hear that the troops that were at Macon are passing us on our right. Suppose they want to get in our front to annoy us again. They had better keep out of our way. Had another romantic meeting to-day with a Miss Howell. Spent the evening at her house. A charming girl, very accomplished. Admire her very much. Understand to-day that “Pap’s” headquarters are at Howell Cobb’s house in Milledgville. Some of the men saw a Macon paper of the 21st inst. It gave the proceedings of a citizen’s meeting. In resolutions they declared that Sherman’s army must be stopped in its mad career and pledged themselves to turn out en masse and harrass us all day and night. In fact, to give us no rest at all. The operations of the next day show how they commenced their good work. Have not heard anything of them since.