Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for “Present my kindest regards to Jack, Jane, and Phebe (slaves).”–Letters from Elisha Franklin Paxton.

“Present my kindest regards to Jack, Jane, and Phebe (slaves).”–Letters from Elisha Franklin Paxton.

May 18, 2011

Elisha Franklin Paxton – Letters from camp and field while an officer in the Confederate Army,The American Civil War


Harper’s Ferry, May 18,1861.

My wife, I have no sweeter word than this to call the dear little woman at home, with whom my happiest reminiscences of the past and fondest hopes of the future have ever been associated. (You speak of dreams; I had one of you, that we were married again, and thought we had a very nice time of it.) We have moved from our station in the mountain back to town. Here we have very pleasant quarters, in which I think it likely we will remain until we have a battle. When this will be, it is impossible to say, but is not expected immediately. I received the green flannel shirt and put it on for the first time to-day. It is very comfortable and valued the more because made by the hands of my dear wife. Present my kind regards to John (the gardener) and hand him the enclosed order on Wm. White. Present my kindest regards to Jack, Jane, and Phebe (slaves). Kiss the children for me, and for yourself take a husband’s best love.

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