Sunday, 6th—We started for Holloway’s with two of the Boys. We got there. Dick would go no further. Mint and Drew and Meroney all turned back. I, Hugh Singleton and Briscow started for L. Came out to Old Major Pugh’s and found the Yanks had prowled him of beehives and everything. Then came on cross Motley Ferry road and through a camp they had just left. Some Yankees on the ground laying up fences with the negroes. We came on cross Morgantown Road, found all the roads traveled by them. Came on to Capt. Dyer’s, fed our horses and got supper and on to within one mile of Louisville. Stopped at Old Man Dyer’s; found the Yanks in large force near him. Stopped, and fed and walked down to within three hundred yards of their camp fires. Could not get to the Planters Hotel. Came back; six of our boys were laying out in the woods near Mr. D’s. We fed and slept in the barn till nearly day. Old Man woke us up, found two of the men were Carlton and Patton of Company P; others were Morgan Men. All came out to a thicket and spent the day.

Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd
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