—Major Anderson evacuated Fort Sumter, going out with the proper honors to his flag. While the salute of fifty guns was being fired, a gun exploded, and killed one man and wounded four others. Major Anderson and his command were conveyed on board the Baltic steam transport.—Times, April 16.
—The President of the United States called by proclamation for 75,000 volunteers to suppress insurrectionary combinations; and commanded “the persons composing the combinations aforesaid to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within twenty days.” In the same proclamation, an extra session of both houses of Congress was called for the 4th of July.—(Doc. 57.)—Times, April 15.
—At Alexandria, Va., the publication of President Lincoln’s proclamation has greatly increased the secession feeling. Business of all kinds is completely suspended. Merchants are engaged in discussing the probability of a prolonged sanguinary civil war. The impression is that the Virginia Convention will instantaneously pass the ordinance of secession, or call a Border State Convention.
—At Mobile, Ala., President Lincoln’s response to the Virginia Commissioners is regarded as a declaration of war.
—At Richmond, Va., the President’s proclamation is received with general execration.
The public mind is fearfully excited. The secessionists declare that nothing is more favorable to their cause, and that military men would sooner die than respond to such a call.
—At Wilmington, N. C., the proclamation is received with perfect contempt and indignation. The Union men openly denounce the Administration. The greatest possible unanimity prevails. There was great rejoicing there Saturday on the reception of the news of the reduction of Fort Sumter.—Tribune, April 16.
—Large Union meetings were held at Detroit, Mich., Westchester and Pittsburgh, Pa., Lawrence, Mass., and Dover, N. H. At Pittsburgh the meeting was opened by the Mayor, who introduced the venerable William Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson was made President of the meeting. About twenty-five Vice-Presidents were also appointed. Resolutions were adopted, declaring undying fealty to the Union, approving the course of the Legislative and Executive branches of the State Government in responding to the call of the President, disregarding all partisan feeling, and pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in the defence of the Union, and appointing a Committee of Public Safety.
A resolution approving the action of the Philadelphia banks in the prompt offer of money to the Government, was also passed.
The meeting was addressed by Judge Wilkins, Thomas M. Marshall, the Hon. P. C. Shannon, Dr. McCook, Ex-Governor Johnston, the Hon. A. W. Loomis, and other prominent citizens of all parties. The speeches elicited great applause.—Tribune, April 16.
—Governor Yates, of Illinois, issued a proclamation to convene the Legislature at Springfield, on the 23d of April, for the purpose of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary upon the following subject, to wit: The more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of the State, and placing the same upon the best footing, to render efficient assistance to the General Government in preserving the Union, enforcing the laws, protecting the property and rights of the people, and also the raising of such money, and other means, as may be required to carry on the foregoing objects.—Commercial Advertiser.
—A large meeting of citizens, irrespective of party, was held at Erie, Pa., this evening. Resolutions were adopted, pledging the hearts and hands of Erie city and county to maintain the integrity of the Government and honor of the flag.
The Wayne Guards, of Erie, and other companies, will offer their services to the Governor.—Evening Post, April 17.
—This afternoon, a coasting schooner was discovered lying in Newark Bay, with a palmetto flag flying at its masthead. A party of “glass-house boys” procured a boat, and proceeding to the vessel, ordered the captain to lower the flag and substitute in its place the Stars and Stripes. The captain, refused, when they threatened to pitch him overboard and sink the vessel. The American flag was soon spread out to the breeze, when it was heartily cheered, and the palmetto was stowed away below.—N. Y. Times.
—At Philadelphia the Union pledge is receiving the signature of all classes of citizens. It responds to the President’s proclamation, and declares an unalterable determination to sustain the Government, throwing aside all differences of political opinion.
An excited crowd assembled this morning before the printing office on the corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, where The Palmetto Flag, a small advertising sheet, is published, and threatened to demolish it. The proprietor displayed the American flag, and threw the objectionable papers from the windows; also, The Stars and Stripes, another paper printed at the same office, restoring the crowd to good humor. The crowd moved down to The Argus office in Third street, opposite Dock street, ordering that the flag should be displayed.
After visiting the newspaper offices and Government property, they marched in a body up Market street, bearing a flag. At all points on the route, well-known Union men were obliged to make all haste to borrow, beg, or steal something red, white, and blue, to protect their property with. Searches were made for the publication rooms of The Southern Monitor; but as that paper has suspended, the mob were unable to carry out their intention of destroying the forms. They satisfied themselves with breaking the signs to pieces. The ring-leaders were furnished with ropes with which to hang the editor if caught.
During the afternoon, General Patterson’s mansion, corner of Thirteenth, and Locust streets, was mobbed and threatened with destruction. A servant answered their call, and unfortunately slammed the door in their faces. The crowd became uproarious and violent, and made an attempt to force open the door. General Patterson finally appeared at the window, bearing the colors of the regiment. The crowd then moved away. It is understood that General Patterson, who is charged with secessionism, intends throwing up his commission.
They then visited General Cadwallader, who made a Union speech and threw out a flag. Several prominent Southerners, with secession proclivities, including Robert Tyler, have received warnings from a so-called Vigilance Committee.
The following is the speech that was made by Mayor Henry to the excited mob which threatened The Palmetto Flag building:
“Fellow-Citizens: By the grace of Almighty God, treason shall never rear its head or have a foothold in Philadelphia. [Immense cheering.] I call upon you as American citizens to stand by your flag and protect it at all hazards—at the point of the bayonet, if necessary; but, in doing so, remember the rights due your fellow-citizens and their private property. [Immense cheering.] That flag is an emblem of the Government, and I call upon all good citizens who love their country and its flag, to testify their loyalty by going to their respective places of abode, leaving to the constituted authorities of the city the task of protecting the peace, and preventing every act which could be construed into treason to their country.”
The Mayor then hoisted the stars and stripes. —Tribune, April 16.
—Seventeen vessels were seized in the port of New York from ports in southern States, their clearances being improper, and not signed by United States officers. They were fined $100 each, and some were held subject to forfeiture.— World, April 18.
—Jefferson Davis replies to President Lincoln’s proclamation as follows:
“Fort Sumter is ours, and nobody is hurt. With mortar, Paixhan, and petard, we tender ‘Old Abe’ our Beau—regard.” — Charleston Mercury.
—At Albany, N. Y., popular sentiment grows stronger and stronger. Several prominent citizens, particularly among the young men, have sent in applications as volunteers, and some are already organizing companies among those who are friends at home. The capital has presented an unusual appearance all day, the whole building having been filled with citizens who have apparently left their business to gather at head-quarters, and watch eagerly the progress of events. The spirit of the masses is decidedly aroused, and from present indications Albany will be behind no city in the State or Union in evincing her patriotism and her determination, as the crisis has come, to stand firmly by the Government of the country, without pausing to charge upon any the responsibility of the present terrible events.— Tribune.
—Fernando Wood, Mayor of New York, issued a proclamation, calling upon the people of the city to avoid turbulence and excitement, and to rally to the restoration of the Constitution and Union.—(Doc. 58.)
—An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Cleveland, Ohio. Speeches were made by Senator Wade and other prominent gentlemen. Resolutions were adopted to sustain the Government, approving of the President’s call for volunteers, recommending the Legislature to make appropriations of men and money, and appointing a committee to ascertain the efficiency of the Cleveland militia. The greatest unanimity of feeling prevailed, and the speakers were constantly interrupted by wild cheers and responses. A similar meeting was held at Norwalk, Ohio.—Buffalo Courier.
—The Directors of the Bank of Commerce, of Providence, R. I., advanced a loan of $30,000 to the State for aiding in the outfit of troops. Large offers from private citizens have also been made to Governor Sprague for a similar purpose. The Globe Bank tendered to the State a loan of $50,000.—Tribune.
—An immense Union meeting was held at Troy, N. Y. Resolutions were adopted, sustaining the Government, and pledging the city to raise a regiment of volunteers. Hon. John A. Griswold presided, and Isaac McConihee, Jonas C. Heartt, Henry Ingraham, Judge Gould, and Judge Robinson were made Vice-Presidents. Secretaries were also appointed. The meeting adjourned in a body to the residence of General Wool, where, on behalf of the citizens, an address was made by Martin J. Townsend, to which General Wool responded that his heart was rejoiced at this glorious demonstration of patriotism. Never, by any former compliment bestowed upon him, had he been thrilled by such a measure of joy. It is true that he had fought under the old flag, but he had done no more than his duty towards the best Government that ever existed. He had fought under the stars and stripes that were carried in triumph by Washington, and under which Jackson closed the second war for independence at New Orleans in a halo of glory. Will you permit that flag to be desecrated and trampled in the dust by traitors now? Will you permit our noble Government to be destroyed by rebels in order that they may advance their schemes of political ambition and extend the area of slavery? No, indeed, it cannot be done. The spirit of the age forbids it. Humanity and manhood forbid it, and the sentiments of the civilized world forbid it. My friends, that flag must be lifted up from the dust into which it has been trampled, placed in its proper position, and again set floating in triumph to the breeze. I pledge you my heart, my hand, all my energies to the cause. The Union shall be maintained. I am prepared to devote my life to the work, and to lead you in the struggle.—Times, April 17.
—The Governor of Kentucky, in reply to Secretary Cameron’s call for troops from that State, says: “Your despatch is received. In answer, I say emphatically, Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister southern States.
B. Magoffin.”
—Louisville Journal.
—At New York, Philadelphia, Trenton, and other places, journals were compelled to display the American flag. Happily no damage was done to persons or property.—Herald, Tribune, Times, World, April 16.
April 16.—The Ringgold Flying Artillery, of Reading, Pa., Captain James McKnight, 180 men, with four field-pieces, received a requisition from the Governor this morning to set out this evening, at 6 o’clock, for Harrisburgh, a place of rendezvous for the first Pennsylvanians in the field.
There was a large and enthusiastic Government meeting at Tyrone, Blair county, to-night. Speeches were enthusiastically received. Ex-Senator Bigler arrived after the adjournment, and expressed himself unequivocally for the Government, and he was determined to sustain it to the last. Two military companies from Tyrone, two from Altoona, and two from Hollidaysburgh, will leave to-morrow for Harrisburgh.—Times, April 17.
—The Mechanics’, Elm City, Fairfield County, Thames, and other banks of Connecticut, voted large sums of money to assist in equipping the troops, and the support of their families.—Idem.
—Governor Buckingham, of Connecticut, issued a proclamation calling for volunteers, to rendezvous at Hartford.—Idem.
—The session of the New York East Methodist Conference was opened by the following prayer:
“Grant, O God, that all the efforts now being made to overthrow rebellion in our distracted country, may be met with every success. Let the forces that have risen against our Government, and Thy law, be scattered to the winds, and may no enemies be allowed to prevail against us. Grant, O God, that those who have aimed at the very heart of the republic may be overthrown. We ask Thee to bring these men to destruction, and wipe them from the face of the country “—Tribune, April 17.
—New Hampshire responds to the President’s proclamation, and will furnish the troops required. The Concord Union Bank tendered a loan of $20,000 to the Governor, and all the Directors, with the Cashier, agree to contribute $100 each to the support of such families of the volunteers of Concord, as may fall in defending the flag of the country.—N. H. Statesman.
—A Union meeting was held at the Hudson House, Jersey City, N. J., for the purpose of taking action to raise volunteers, whose services are to be tendered to the Federal Government. J. W. Scudder, Esq., was chosen President; two Vice-Presidents from each ward were also chosen, and C. H. Dummer acted as Secretary.
Stirring speeches were made by Dr. H. D. Holt, Hon. N. C. Slaight, Benjamin Van Riper, and John H. Low.
During the speaking, cheers were given for the Stars and Stripes, the Federal Government, Major Anderson, &c.
Benjamin Van Riper advocated the striking down of every northern man who advocated secession, and all traitorous newspapers.
Mr. John Low proposed that at some future period they call upon the proprietors of the American Standard, in Jersey City, “the editor of which had so much maligned the Government, and make them hoist the American flag, or make them leave the town.” This proposition was received with tremendous cheering, and cries of “Let’s do it to-night.”—Times, April 17.
—Four regiments, ordered to report for service in Boston, Mass., commenced arriving there before 9 A. M. this morning, the companies first arriving not having received their orders until last night. Already about thirty companies have arrived, numbering over 1,700 men in uniform, and with these are several hundred who are importunate to be allowed to join the ranks.
The bark Manhattan, which arrived at Boston this forenoon from Savannah, had a secession flag hoisted. A crowd proceeded to the wharf, and compelled Captain Davis to take it down and hoist the stars and stripes.
The City Government of Lawrence, Mass., appropriated $5,000 for the benefit of the families of those who have volunteered to defend the country’s flag.—Boston Transcript.
—One of the largest meetings ever held in Delaware was held this evening at Wilmington, the Mayor presiding. The following resolution was adopted unanimously:
Resolved, That we censure and condemn the course of Senator Bayard, in the United States Senate, for not advocating a compromise between the North and South, and that we feel confident that his course has placed us in a false position before the world; that we repudiate his teachings, as having an Anti-Union tendency, and are unworthy of a patriot and Delawarian.—Times, April 17.
—Governor Letcher , of Virginia, in reply to the call of the President of the United States, refuses to furnish troops for the support of the Federal Government. In his letter to Secretary Cameron, he remarks:
“I have only to say that the militia of Virginia will not be furnished to the powers at Washington for any such use or purpose as they have in view. Your object is to subjugate the southern States, and a requisition made upon me for such an object—an object, in my judgment, not within the purview of the Constitution or the Act of 1795—will not be complied with. You have chosen to inaugurate civil war, and having done so, we will meet it in a spirit as determined as the Administration has exhibited towards the South.”—World, April 20.
—Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, telegraphed the President that he could not respond to the call for troops, as he had doubts of his authority and right to do so.
A war bill, with an appropriation of $3,000,000, was passed in the New York Legislature, and signed by the Governor.
The Government of the Southern Confederacy called for 32,000 men; 2,000 from Florida, and 5,000 from each of the other States.—Times, April 17.
—A large meeting of German workingmen was held at Newark, N. J., this evening. An attempt was made to disorganize the body, which was soon suppressed by earnest and loud repeated cries for the Constitution and the Union. Several speeches were made, and it was declared that the only hope for the workingmen was to be found in the preservation of the Government. The meeting broke up with cheers for the Union. This is a sample of the spirit which pervades the German population.
“The German Turners’ Society,” numbering about a hundred men, also met, and unanimously resolved to form a military corps of riflemen, and offer their services to the Government. They also resolved to send delegates to the various Turner associations in the State, and to recommend a plan of organization.— Evening Post.