Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – April 19, 1861

April 19, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—A meeting of the merchants of New York city was held at the Chamber of Commerce. The proceedings were characterized by the utmost harmony and unanimity. Mr. Peletiah Perit occupied the chair, and patriotic speeches were made by Mr. Perit, George Opdyke, James Gallatin, Royal Phelps, S. B. Chittenden, Prosper M. Wetmore, George W. Blunt, John E. King, William E. Dodge, John A. Stevens, R. H. McCurdy, and others. Resolutions upholding the Federal Government, and urging a strict blockade of all ports in the secession States were unanimously adopted. It being announced that several of the regiments needed assistance to enable them to leave—on motion, a committee was appointed to receive donations, and in ten minutes the subscription had reached over $21,000. What was still more important was the appointment of a large committee of the most influential capitalists, to use their exertions to secure an immediate taking of the $9,000,000 remaining of the Government loan.—(Doc. 66.)

—The President of the United States issued a proclamation, announcing the blockade of the Southern ports.—(Doc. 67.)

—Sherrard Clemens, a strong Union man, and late member of Congress for Richmond, Va., is held as a prisoner at Richmond. He is still firm in his loyalty to the Government and his opposition to rebellion. —Tribune, April 19.

—At Wilmington, Ohio, the first volunteer company, consisting of 125 men, organized today. Three thousand dollars were subscribed in one hour for the benefit of volunteers. Great enthusiasm prevails, and the work goes bravely on in raising both men and money. Another company is forming. A suspected Secessionist was seized this evening, and experienced some rough treatment.—Louisville Democrat, April 21.

—A rifle company was organized at Dayton, Ohio, under command of Captain Childs, consisting of 75 picked men. The company left Columbus at noon to-day, amid the cheers of a large crowd of citizens. Home guards are being formed. One company is to be formed of men over forty-five years old, under the command of Edward W. Davis.—Idem.

—Rev. Warren Swift; of Utica, N. Y a Presbyterian minister of excellent abilities and wide-spread reputation, enlisted, and started for head-quarters this morning.—Idem.

—General Sherman, the State commandant at Galveston, Texas, issued an order enrolling “all citizens capable of bearing arms, not over sixty years of age, who do not enroll themselves into some one of the volunteer companies of the city by the 28d inst., in the militia. In case of being called into service they will be required to bring such arms as they may have, until they can be furnished by the State.

“The war has begun! It may reach our shores! Who in Texas will shrink from his duty in such a crisis? We invoke the spirit not only of 1776, but of 1836, to arouse from its slumber, and again assert the independence of Texas. The misrule of Black Republicanism would scarcely be less fatal to our interests than that of Mexican intolerance. We have shaken off the one; let us manfully repel the other.”

The order is accompanied by other similar ones, necessary to carry it into effect. The alarm signal for the assembling of the city troops will be first a fire alarm, and secondly after an interval of one minute, six taps of the bell, to be repeated four times with intervals.—N. O. Picayune, April 23.

—It is now learned by the return of the expedition to relieve Sumter, that a plan was perfected to throw in 300 men and supplies by boats at daylight on the 13th. This was frustrated, however, by the Baltic running upon Rattlesnake shoal on the night of the 12th.—World, April 19.

—Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, were added to the Military Department of Washington.—(Doc. 68.)—Times, April 25.

—A positive announcement “that General Scott had resigned his position in the army of the United States and tendered his sword to his native State—Virginia,” was made at Montgomery. At Mobile, one hundred guns were fired in honor of his resignation.—Charleston Mercury, April 22.

—Immense Union meetings were held last night at Auburn, Hudson, Ogdensburgh, Albion, Binghamton, and other towns and villages in western New York. Past political differences are forgotten, and the people are enthusiastic in support of the Administration.—Troy Times.

—At New York a large American flag, forty feet long by twenty wide, was flung out upon a flagstaff from a window in Trinity steeple, at a height of 240 feet. The chimes meanwhile played several airs appropriate to the occasion, among which were “Yankee Doodle,” “the Red, White, and Blue,” winding up with “All’s well.” The enthusiasm of the large concourse that had spontaneously gathered was most intense.

A flagstaff, with flag attached, was also run out of a window over the portico in front of St. Paul’s Church.—Tribune, April 20.

—A Portion of the Sixth Massachusetts, and the Seventh Pennsylvania, were attacked in the streets of Baltimore by a mob upon their passage through that city.

The Massachusetts Regiment occupied eleven cars. Upon their arrival at the President-street depot, the cars were permitted to leave with the troops still on board, and proceeded quietly through the streets of Baltimore, on their way to the depot at the other side of the town. But they had not gone more than a couple of blocks before the crowd became so dense that the horses attached to each car were scarcely able to push their way through. At this point the mob began to hoot and yell frightfully, and loud threats were uttered against the military. The troops, however, maintained a strict reserve, and the crowd then commenced to throw stones, brickbats, and other missiles, in a perfect shower, against the cars. Many of the troops were severely wounded in this manner. However, the first nine cars reached the depot, and departed for Washington. The remaining two cars of the train, with about 100 men, were thus cut off from the main body, and the men found themselves encompassed by an infuriated mob of over 8,000. These isolated cars were immediately attacked, and several of the soldiers had their muskets snatched from them. At this moment news came that the Philadelphia Volunteers had arrived, and the report excited the mob to a fearful degree. The road was now obstructed, and the soldiers alighted, formed a solid square, and advanced with fixed bayonets in double quick time, the Mayor of Baltimore at their head, all the while surrounded by the mob—now swelled to at least 10,000. The military behaved admirably, and still abstained from firing upon their assailants. The mob now commenced a perfect shower of missiles, occasionally varied by a random shot from a revolver or one of the muskets taken from the soldiers. The soldiers suffered severely from the immense quantity of stones, brickbats, paving-stones, &c.; the shots fired also wounded several. When two of the soldiers had been killed, and the wounded had been conveyed to the centre of the column, the troops at last, exasperated by the treatment they had received, commenced to return the fire singly, but at no one time did a platoon fire in a volley.

The volunteers, after a protracted and severe struggle, at last reached the depot, bearing with them in triumph their killed and wounded, and immediately embarked.

Two of the Massachusetts men were killed and eight wounded. Seven rioters were killed, and many wounded, but the number is not known. When information was received at the depot of this attack, the Pennsylvania regiment, which was unarmed, was sent back. Some were slightly wounded.—Times, April 20, 21

The mob completely reigned in Baltimore after the attack.—All the gunshops were plundered. Other shops throughout the city were closed.—A public meeting was held in the afternoon, at which the Mayor and Gov. Hicks were present.—Secession sentiments prevailed.

The Mayor and Governor both notified the President that no more troops could pass through Baltimore unless they fought their way.—(Doc. 69.)—Times, April 21.

—Boston was terribly excited at the attack on the Massachusetts troops in Baltimore. The Government recognizes the similarity in the day and event suggested by the 19th of April, 1776, and those immortal memories which cluster around the men of Lexington and Concord.

The Governor sent the following despatch to the Mayor of Baltimore:

I pray you cause the bodies of our Massachusetts soldiers, dead in battle, to be immediately laid out, preserved in ice, and tenderly sent forward by express to me. All expenses will be paid by this Commonwealth.

John A. Andrew,
Governor of Massachusetts. —(Doc. 70.)

At Fall River, Mass, a meeting was called on the reception of the news. Patriotic speeches were made, and the city government was instructed to appropriate $10,000 to fit out volunteers, and to pay each volunteer $20 per month in addition to the Government pay.—Providence Journal.

—The City Council of Philadelphia, this morning, at a special meeting, appropriated $1,000,000 to equip the volunteers and support their families during their absence from home. Fourteen thousand dollars were subscribed for the same purpose at Norwich, Conn.—N. Y. Times.

—The Seventh Regt., N. Y. S. M., left for Washington amid the greatest enthusiasm. In every street an immense innumerable throng cheered them on their way. News of the fight in Baltimore was received before they left, and 48 rounds of ball-cartridge were served out.—(Doc. 71.)

Lieut. Jones, late in command of Harper’s Ferry, arrived at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Laving made a forced march the previous night of 30 miles from Harper’s Ferry to Hagerstown.—Times, April 20.

—The Rhode Island Marine Artillery passed through New York, on their way to the seat of war. These troops are officered by—Commanding Officer, Colonel Tomkins; Lieutenant Colonel, George C. Harkness; Captain, Benjamin F. Remington; Lieutenant, A. M. Tower; Lieutenant, Henry B. Brastow; Surgeon, Nathaniel Millar. They number 130 men, and carry with them 110 horses, eight guns of very heavy calibre, and the other requisite arms and ammunition. The horses are fine, spirited-looking animals, and appeared to be in that condition which will enable them to sustain a good deal of field hardship.—Herald, April 20.

—The Eighth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under command of Colonel Timothy Munroe, passed through New York on their march to the south. It is composed of six companies: Newburyport Artillery, Newburyport Light Infantry, Gloucester Artillery, Lynn City Guards, Capt. Hundson, Lynn Light Infantry, Capt. Frazer, Lafayette Guards, Marblehead, Capt. Orne, all of Essex County, numbering twelve hundred. They are all picked men, those of Gloucester and Marblehead being stout and sturdy fishermen; those from Lynn and Newburyport chiefly shoemakers. Many of the members of the two Lynn companies served throughout the Mexican campaign. All of the men were in the best of spirits. Brig.-Gen. Benj. F. Butler and Quartermaster John Moran, of Boston, accompany the Regiment.—(Doc. 72.)—N. Y. Tribune, April 20.

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